haydenaurion: The other settings (aspect ratio, cpu cycles, etc.) are in a separate main config file. I was replacing the the text in the separate autoexec file that gog made, should I add your autoexec to the main config?
korell: Windows Explorer crash? From some simple copy and replace commands and then launching the game in DOSBox? I highly doubt the script is doing that. Even if Explorer cannot find the file in question it just throws an error message or does nothing. There is nothing in my script that GOG and DOSBox haven't used before (that's where I learned how to do it after all).
haydenaurion: Yeah, that's what baffles me too, it shouldn't be doing that.
Edit: (see attached file) I'm using the default gog install path and basically what i'm doing is replacing the text in dosboxPOPULOUS_single. I assume the problem is that our installs are set up differently and I have to figure out what to modify the command lines in autoexec to get it working with mine.
Okay, that's fine. I do in fact use two .conf files myself, as that is how they extracted from the GOG installer:
The first one, dosboxPOPULOUS.conf, I didn't change at all, so leave that one as it is.
The second one, dosboxPOPULOUS_single.conf, I did change to my new autoexec script. The other two are for setting up client and server for multiplayer, so I don't make use of those, but the GOG setup can do and they can have the same lines of batch script for choosing the graphics set, should you want to.
To try to help you, I've changed my mount command to that used by the GOG installation and attached the dosboxPOPULOUS_single.conf file here. You'll have to right-click and save the attachment to your PC then rename it to dosboxPOPULOUS_single.conf, making sure that you lose the .jpg file extension (a .jpg extension was the only way I could get it uploaded on GOG forums). I recommend that you display file extensions in Windows Explorer as I noticed from your screenshot that your current setup hides known extensions.
Oh, and make sure that you've made copies of the relevant data files. In the DATA folder, make a copy of LEVEL0.DAT named LEVEL_OR.DAT, and make a copy of LEVEL1.DAT named LEVEL_PL.DAT.