vulchor: Now I like achievements, as do many others.
ChrisRevocateur: Why though? You like cheap psychological tricks added to your games?
vulchor: Its an added benefit to get more gameplay out of a game that you love.
ChrisRevocateur: How? By encouraging different gameplay styles and challenges that people already do anyway if that's what they want to do?
vulchor: adding achievements isn't going to hurt it.
ChrisRevocateur: Disagree. In the case of the Steam version, you have no way to play without achievements. Achievements are annoying. Thus, in my opinion at least, achievements hurt the Steam version of the game.
Whilst I agree achievements are a toxic plague, they aren't that annoying, if you just turn off the steam overlay.
It still records them on the Library page, but by starting the game with a Desktop shortcut, you will never see them.
In game, or out, at least for single player games.
You're still screwed in Multi-Player, but I won't even play MP, if it requires any store client
At least Galaxy allows you to turn all achievements off, not that I would ever use Galaxy.
Offline installers = No achievements on GOG = PureGasmes = The Way it's Meant to be Played !