Posted January 21, 2011
(My post contains end-game SPOILERS, so those who haven't yet finished the game, please don't read this thread, for your own enjoyment).
Alright I've absorbed the good incarnation and the practical incarnation, but I've tried everything to absorb the paranoid incarnation, and its been to no avail. This to the point that I actually looked into a walkthrough, and thus learned that I must speak the language of Uyo to him.
My TNO knows the language of Uyo as I've finished the dodecheydron quest, but there are no dialogue options that come up when talking w/the paranoid incarnation to bring up talking to him in Uyo.
So my questions are as follows:
1) What can I do to get those dialogue options?
2) What can a TNO who is a Thief w/just 15STR do to kill the paranoid incarnation? He's been tougher than the Fiend from Moridor's Box, as there are no places to hide when fighting this paranoid one! Ha!
Alright I've absorbed the good incarnation and the practical incarnation, but I've tried everything to absorb the paranoid incarnation, and its been to no avail. This to the point that I actually looked into a walkthrough, and thus learned that I must speak the language of Uyo to him.
My TNO knows the language of Uyo as I've finished the dodecheydron quest, but there are no dialogue options that come up when talking w/the paranoid incarnation to bring up talking to him in Uyo.
So my questions are as follows:
1) What can I do to get those dialogue options?
2) What can a TNO who is a Thief w/just 15STR do to kill the paranoid incarnation? He's been tougher than the Fiend from Moridor's Box, as there are no places to hide when fighting this paranoid one! Ha!
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