Posted April 09, 2015

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic

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Registered: Dec 2012
From France
Posted April 09, 2015

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Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted April 09, 2015
ieMod will optionally change the unfitting backer names to more fantasy themed ones (or perhaps it changes them all, I've only played with ieMod installed and that option activated), and there is an addon for ieMod that changes all the references to websites and corgi's in the tombstones to more thematicaly appropriate things.
EDIT: clarified and expanded comment
EDIT: clarified and expanded comment
Post edited April 09, 2015 by Andrew_C

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Registered: May 2012
From Germany
Posted April 09, 2015

I don't think the npcs are immersion breaking and since it's basically free content made by backers it probably did not take much other content away from us.
the tombstones are immersion breaking, but i couldn't care less ....
Also i don't really have any great immersion with games like pilars.
I enjoy the feeling of playing them, it sets me in a nice mood, but it is not like i am playing fallout:nv, feeling like the courier wandering the mojave, or feeling like I'm the ***** Dovakin when i play Skyrim.
And even then i could live with it.
PS: this game is much better than da:o and the dlc commercial is somethign else entirely than those tombstones are ...
Post edited April 09, 2015 by AiCola

Buy Sacrifice!!!
Registered: Jun 2012
From Germany
Posted April 10, 2015
Wait, these soul stories where backer-created content?!
Congrats to these high-level-backers then! (I´m only a mid-level backer) They are awesome, I thought they´d have been Obsidians own stuff!
Anyways, the non-interactive part of them does suck, really!
Congrats to these high-level-backers then! (I´m only a mid-level backer) They are awesome, I thought they´d have been Obsidians own stuff!
Anyways, the non-interactive part of them does suck, really!

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic

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Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted April 10, 2015
Oblivion did not expect to get as many backers as it got. My guess is that they added the higher tier for the backer-created NPCs without knowing how many would actually take them up on the offer.

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Registered: Dec 2012
From France

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Registered: Jun 2012
From United States
Posted April 10, 2015
I'm glad to know these aren't necessary. I didn't like most that I read so far, and was thinking the writers took an ever bigger step to High School Sci Fi writing. Don't get me wrong, i have a lot of respect for anyone will to write, and I'll own I'm too picky when it comes to writing. Regardless, knowing I can get them amiss without losing out on something critical in the game is a relief.
Loads of respect for whoever wrote them, but no desire to actually read them. Just my opinion.
I also haven't found one book in the game I would say was worth reading, so the backers aren't alone. BG 1&2 I read almost every book and enjoyed them. So far, in my opinion, I haven't found much to get excited about regarding the writing overall. At least I know why, in part.
Happy gaming!
Loads of respect for whoever wrote them, but no desire to actually read them. Just my opinion.
I also haven't found one book in the game I would say was worth reading, so the backers aren't alone. BG 1&2 I read almost every book and enjoyed them. So far, in my opinion, I haven't found much to get excited about regarding the writing overall. At least I know why, in part.
Happy gaming!

New User
Registered: Jan 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted April 10, 2015
All this kickstarter game inclusion is starting to become crazy. All those soul things, it was becoming a real chore reading them, then I found out I do NOT have to, so why put them there, they have nothing to do with the game and give no clues. The Books the books not more books, I got fed up with those from the off. If I want to read a story I will by a book thanks, game outline no problem, but all those books.
I will go with these comments from above.
Soul Stories - Loads of respect for whoever wrote them, but no desire to actually read them. Just my opinion.
Books - I also haven't found one book in the game I would say was worth reading.
I will go with these comments from above.
Soul Stories - Loads of respect for whoever wrote them, but no desire to actually read them. Just my opinion.
Books - I also haven't found one book in the game I would say was worth reading.
Post edited April 10, 2015 by Macos10

New User
Registered: May 2012
From Germany
Posted April 10, 2015

I will go with these comments from above.
Soul Stories - Loads of respect for whoever wrote them, but no desire to actually read them. Just my opinion.
Books - I also haven't found one book in the game I would say was worth reading.
especially the books can sometimes be useful to get more knowledge about some in-game lore

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic
Posted April 10, 2015

Funny, I didn't find anything worth reading about in Baldur's Gate games, yet here I am, reading everything in Pillars.
Post edited April 10, 2015 by Fenixp

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Registered: Aug 2011
From France

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Registered: Nov 2010
From Italy
Posted April 11, 2015
Sorry to agree, to be honest the stories aren't the issue (even thou some are really bad and cheesy), you can avoid them, but you can't avoid noticing dozens of godlikes.
Shouldn't they be feared and avoided (at best)? Why should a friggin "racist" hamlet be filled with them standing around smoking pipes?
Wasn't sure about it, 'till I met Sturmblade (or however they tried to change the name), what is a dragonlance dude doing in this setting?
Not saying they shouldn't have put them in, but maybe a little box to uncheck for everyone else not wanting to see the backer credits in-game?
Well game's amazing anyway, but I agree 100% on the "kickstarter intrusion" being a bit too heavy.
Shouldn't they be feared and avoided (at best)? Why should a friggin "racist" hamlet be filled with them standing around smoking pipes?
Wasn't sure about it, 'till I met Sturmblade (or however they tried to change the name), what is a dragonlance dude doing in this setting?
Not saying they shouldn't have put them in, but maybe a little box to uncheck for everyone else not wanting to see the backer credits in-game?
Well game's amazing anyway, but I agree 100% on the "kickstarter intrusion" being a bit too heavy.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic
Posted April 11, 2015

Edit: I forgot to reply to Belsirk. Fixed that shiz!
Post edited April 11, 2015 by Fenixp