Maydawn: well, maybe you shouldn't go to that cave so early in the game :p
same for the wolfs in the same area to the south, i just skipped them and went back later
Senteria: The wolves are killing my party so hard. They just wolfpack on my mage and then chew up the rest. :/ I saw you can make a companion at the inn but that feels lame. I play an rpg for story as well. It's like Dragon quest IX where you can create your companions, but I just couldn't get into it. I don't want to make empty vassals.
I'm sticking with the two friends I made.
well, put a fighter in the front and let him engage them in melee before you start hitting / casting with the mage :)
i'm playing on hard, and i have to say, they really did mean HARD. it's not like baldur's gate where the only difference is a bit of health and dmg the enemies do.
i got completely wrecked at the temple quest in town. you really do need alot of tactics, weapon switching, and to pay attention to the enemy stats on hard. took me a ton of loads to figure out how to kill the shades / wisps, and a really long time to finish up that place, even after grabbing the fire-phile priest. now busy getting my arse handed to me during the watcher dude quest.
and just another side note, wizards feel really gimped to me, atleast in these lower levels. most of the spells i have are conal effects, which are hard to position for and aim with, because they hit your party members aswell. the good thing is, when you use them properly, they do a ton of damage