Thank you both for your replies! Very helpful. A few things:
She'll most likely play on easy because of how I understand combat to be. Heck, I'm tempted to play on easy because I don't want to get over-bored by redundant/non-exciting combat. Is there an XP difference if you go down to easy? - I mean reward XP for quests/progress or a significant reduction in the level your characters can reach by the end of the game? Of course the beastiary will fill slower and that XP will not come as quickly, but I mean otherwise? I seriously might play on easy just to avoid as much combat as there is if I can still essentially reach the same level as on normal by the end of the game. I was going to play on HARD myself, but after reading a bunch about combat, I'm tempted to easy!
She'll be fine to figure out combat and interface mechanics and is aware of the way RPGs work well enough from me talking about them/her watching me to know she'll get her ass handed to her sometimes depending.
She'll be fine figuring out character and party building with some of my guidance, it is one of the aspects of RPGs that appeals to her most (she loves being stealthy and to roleplay a stealthy character appeals to her a lot. Which reminds me, she's going to play a Moon Godlike Ranger.)
She does understand conceptually how RPGs work with there being multiple avenues of choices and dialogue options and how that stuff affects the game, character, world, and all the varying options of consequences/even possibly different endings, etc. Definitely a good idea to check and make sure she's aware of those things first though, thanks for making sure! She watched me do character creation for Wasteland 2 and I explained a lot of things to her then (and has watched me play W2 and some other RPGs and I explain things while she watches), and she created her PoE character already and so got more explanations then since she had to do her stats and animal-companion choice.
The variety of choices is also one of the biggest appeals to her about RPGs/what made her even want to try them in the first place. I kept trying to get her to play Torment and have talked about it a lot over the years trying to entice her, and at one point early on I was telling her something and it clicked in her that choices matter and that it just doesn't unfold how it unfolds with no variability and it kind of blew her away that you could affect what happens in the game that much. But I honestly don't think she fully understands how awesome it is to be in control and make the choices and have the consequences unfold. I'm really excited for her to get hit with the wow-factor over and over once she truly realizes the depth and variability of these games!
The complexity of the story and too much to read and lore that is slow to come together might turn her off, it might not, it just depends on how it is presented/how it unfolds. Time will tell, I suppose! Then I'll tell you folks!
I'm not reading much about the game other than combat mechanics, really (because to me it is the huge question-mark factor that will lean me towards either liking or disliking the game.) I'm very careful not to spoil myself. I want a raw experience. I know nothing about the story or lore of the world yet at all (beyond the very little I know about the Godlike and Orlan from character creation.)
Oh and there's no way I'd suggest Inquisitor to her until she's played at
least a few other RPGs and then comes asking "what should I play next?!" I *know* it is going to be the stories and how the choices that she makes and how they influence the stories will be the things she likes best about RPGs, as well as growing her character through those choices within the stories (hence really wanting her to play Torment, Arcanum, and Fallout 1+2.) If she plays those 4, I think Inquisitor would be the next suggestion. I'll probably never recommend BGs, IWDs, or NWNs to her.
Thanks again for the inputs!