gamesfreak64: zoom? baldurs had not zoom, the remake did i guess (never played that one still have to do, but beiing baldurs i assumed onlt the graphics were souped up.
Rotate the screen around the feet is another thing that make my feets wobble, lots of games when using mouswheel will either zoom or rotate the scrrna round the character so you can see the ns we from anotehr view, i believe this is not needed, old days we play this without that rotating stuff (classic fallout , gagged alliance, baldurs...)
My pc is quad core 2.67 but its lousy i guess, GTS 250 1 gb thats it
8 gb on win7
i have some hogs (hidden object games) that make my cpus run all at 70% maybe bad programming or so, the gpu is at 60 degrees celsius and at 55% speed of fan, normally i dont have that problem, flash is know to be a cpu killer and abuser aswell as a gpu basher, got some game that use air, terrible that air....
but if the game is good...(neo scavenger, telepath tactics, defenders quest). to bad they use air a lot instead of native coding...

Belsirk: I'm speaking about Pillas of eternity , sorry had to be clearly
its not your fault, i knew you talked about pillars, i misphrased my answer :D so the blame is on me
what i meant is pillars beiing unity game, i wonderd why baldurs didnot had all the fancy stuff like pillars have so thats why i thought pillars be like old baldursgate ( saw a preview in pcgameplay (belgium magazine)
and i was kinda wrong cause pillars has bigger endbosses, more lighting effects, more of everything, also price :P
I got baldurs gate when it arrived on 5 cds , retail i guess it costed me 69 or 79 guilders back then (FL79,-)
Commandos the first was 89 dutch guidlers when it arived , and the call of duty was 69,-
I did not like the failed 3d lookalike commandos 2 and 3, but these got at sale for 5 euros so for 5 euros i bought these thats 10 euros for a full retail game, nice box, nice manual, and retail cd/dvd
A lot has changed since then.... usually a demo would be like 10% of the fullblown game sometimes less at 8% meaning that a 99 level shootem up gave you about 10 levels.
I still believe small playable (not those nasty rolling demos (autoplay) cause thats like watching a video)
demos encouraged people faster to get the real thing, it did for me if tehre were demos like the old days i would and could decide better if and when to buy a game , videos is not like playing it yourselves.
Lucky for me some small indies still have a nice small demo, thank you indy guys, i saw some on steam, they have a few greenlighted games that look nice and chances are that i will buy them and certainly if the price is between 10 and 19.99 euros, talked to a dev and suggested that he add some disbale option for certain effects, he said he be doing it, so i hope it will be done, then ... i just might have another nice game :D
Its nice to have some form of contact with devs, then you get the idea that there is someone listening, this can make a differnce when you decide to buy a game.
If all devs are just sitting on the high trone and only care about income then theres no 'connection' so theres less change to buy a game(or it has to be freaking awesome(i havent seen these games yet)
But i made some suggestions to some devs who were waiting to get a greenlit on steam, a few had games that looked like my type of games i like to play (thus buy).