Wildeyn: Just died again, due to the special death magic of near-the-entrance fights. This time to special skaurips that have paralysis bows.
I don't think that ever happened to me.
Do you have a party already? If not, get one first - and pick your battles wisely until you do. This is not a linear dungeon crawl journey like the Icewind Dale games where you're supposed to clear out a map completely and then move on to the next. You'll return to many of the maps anyway later on (for various quests and tasks, especially if you do the bounty hunter missions). So you can save tough fights for then.
Also, what I found helps greatly in this game is to designate a 'tank' character (Edér works well) whom you equip with the strongest armor and shield and give only defensive abilities and talents on level-up. He won't do much damage, but won't take much either. He can run into battle first while the rest stay back, suffer (and shrug off) the brunt of the enemies' debilitating spells/effects and try to engage as many of their melee warriors as possible, so that the rest of your party can safely move in and do their thing.
As for Wizards, they're actually great at surviving the early game in v2.0 - if they picked the right first-level spells. Which unfortunately, the scripted Wizard companion did not... :( The spells in question are:
Slicken - if your Wizards has a high enough Intellect, this can be used to render most or all of the enemies in the battle defenseless without affecting your own party. Can make an otherwise impossible battle quite manageable.
Spirit Shield +
Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff combo - turns the Wizard into a better melee fighter than an actual Fighter, for a short time. Great for beating otherwise dreaded enemies like shades.
Chill Fog - excellent stationary damage-dealing spell. Lure a large group of enemies into a chokepoint, and use your tank and other front-line warriors to keep them engaged there. Then cast chill fog on them (making sure that only the bonus radius - which is exempt from friendly fire - touches your own chars). Watch the enemies take continuous damage until they die or are at least softened up enough to make them easy to finish off.
If you didn't invite the scripted companion wizard into your party yet, I recommend that you go to the settings and deactivate "auto-level companions when they join". This way, once he joins you can manually choose his level-up spells from level 1 to your current level. You can skip level 2 spells entirely for now, they're not as good as the aforementioned level 1 spells (of which you should get as many as possible early on).
Of course you'll and up finding all of those spells over the course of the game from enemy's grimoires, but it could take a while - use level-up spells to ensure you get the important ones early on.
Wildeyn: If you run a little bit away from where a monster stands, it stops fighting and slowly walks back to where it lives in stasis its whole life. But if you get in a fight near the entrance to a map, it is a death-cage match.
Removing that restriction would make sense, yeah. But tbh I never missed it once I had a full party and got the hang of the game.