I've downloaded the cleopatra.7z and the cleopatra.2.1.7z files, and when I extract them with 7Zip, I get a message from the unpacker that there was an error and I might need to check disk space or passwords.
Then I find a file in my install directory called cleopatra. The only thing in it is a folder called "1920_1440" that contains a pharaoh.exe. I'm presuming that the name of the folder is a resolution, and that the pharaoh.exe file is modified to that resolution.
I don't see any other resolutions or folders.
I was trying for the 1600x900 resolution.
This may all be jumping the gun, because the game keeps freezing even before I've applied a widescreen mod.
Well, I found a Pharaoh Resizer file here:
http://www.wsgf.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=14149&start=330 It looks like it lets me save a 1600x900 modification to pharaoh.exe, but when I click on it, the screen goes black, then the black portion of the screen steps down in two steps until it disappears altogether and the icon is removed from my task bar -- so I'm guessing it's crashing.
It's the same thing HOMM3 did until I found an HD launcher for it.