Shukaku: Are you having trouble making any money to prevent yourself going into debt? Failing to pay tribute harms your kingdom rating significantly and it will continue to go down every time you fail to pay the tribute payment, until it hits 0.
Another reason for your kingdom rating to be dropping is one of the following:
* Criminals robbing Courthouses, the Palace or Tax Collectors
* Persistently failing to meet requests on time (late or refusal will normally drop KR, except in the missions added by Cleopatra)
* A scripted event (this only happens in Thinis of the Middle Kingdom)
* Paying yourself a salary above your rank.
being a long time addicted player lol i get where you're headed but that's why i came in to the forum. i still have the original disc it just doesn't get along with any computers we own or hasn't for some time...that being said i get all the scenarios that would take me to that place...i am committed to every 2 months on tributes and every time a festival is complete i hold another. have always found it the easiest way to keep everyone happy and never worry about the $ or goods you are somewhat prepared from the mission objectives as to what is coming... NOW thinis was indeed a nightmare as my palace got blown up immediately so yeah, that i'll give you but every mission (i decided to go mission by mission this time around rather than periods) i do the usual with tributes and festivals/temples and they are stomping me...baffled? even as a beginner i didn't have this much trouble....hope to find a work around or answer so frustrated :-/ oh as an aside ra continues to play an integral part in my game...meaning he rescues the rating for a bit then it just goes to the wayside...i've no way of telling really what would happen if ra weren't on the scene...but an oddity just the same...thanks for your response :)
sorry was trying to get you some images but no go any way i go about it too large oh well