Swedrami: Haven't noticed this at all so far.
If that's actually a thing I may have to pay a little more attention to see if it's occurring on my end too.
A bug it is, just had it happening a moment ago.
One of my (trespassing) agents was just about to leave a room with one seemingly stationary civilian staring at a bulletin board on the wall (absolutely no sign of a path he was about to take during the next turn or anything). Just when I manually opened the door to the hallway outside (to make sure there was no guard patrolling) the civilian actually moved away from said bulletin board on the wall, and, fortunately for me in the opposite direction.
Not sure if me manually open the door was the trigger or something but civilians suddenly moving during the player's turn is definitely a thing.
Swedrami: There definitely seems to be a correlation here.
Just had another civilian move the moment I manually opened one of the doors into/out of the room he and the agent were in.
I've had this happen too. Freaked me out at first since I wasn't expecting it. I'd guess it's intended and possibly a fix to the issue people had when the game came out, where civilians were blocking important things - though I still would expect them to move on their turn, not the agent's turn.
Plus the fact that it can cause a civilian to suddenly be able to see an agent on the agent's turn, which could potentially be annoying (so far I was lucky enough that it was always my disguised agent who triggered this.
Vizera: My game is now stuck on an unsolvable investigation which i have no way of avoiding.
Eventually i will get a msg that one of my analysts "solved" the investigation, and will be forced into the investigation screen.
Once there the red line just stops after 2 clues ( no 2nd keyword to link to) and i am unable to interact with the game from that point on.
The save/load menu is still accessable, but i cant get out of the investigation screen.
Sounds like a bug alright.
A possible workaround might be to remove the agents before they finish the investigation, and just do the investigation yourself. So far I have yet to see agents actually doing anything when I set them to investigate, since I solve all of them myself whenever there are enough clues.