Posted August 18, 2018

In Xcom 2 they can miss or you could induce them to miss. Improving technology always helped. Of course standing in an open area meant you were dead which makes sense, but if you had cover, distance or moved fast there was a chance they might miss. It all actually made sense. Yes, people whined about the RNG because they don`t like things they can`t control, but I simply looked at it from the pov of reality and maths don`t lie- 85% chance to hit is not a guaranteed chance to hit. 99% chance to hit is not guaranteed. it will ALWAYS feel bad when you miss on a 90% chance to hit, even if it`s fair to both sides.
Remember these were ALIENS with an added advantage of better tech, a least at the start, unlike Doctrine which are all Humans.
And yes, i`ve sometimes said, "How can you miss on 90% chance to hit?" But that`s just natural HUMAN frustration. You know it`s right, but as Humans we don`t like losing. I recognise that so i don`t whine it away like they have with Phantom menace (lol, I mean Doctrine) and now ruined the whole shoot mechanic.
Devs need to understand that just because some people get annoyed with a realistic mechanic like RNG doesn`t mean we all want it removed completely. Having some frustration is part of a good game; but just give the Player an intuitive reason (ie realism) why it`s frustrating and he`ll handle it.
Why do you think Xcom, despite it`s RNG is SO successful. It frustrates a little with misses, but people still love the suspense and challenge and they intutively know this happens in reality, despite those loudest minority who would whine it away and kill the game. Firaxis understands this.
I remeber another Dev House that made a UFO Xcom type game. They got rid of anyone actually dying - the game was horrible because there was no investment in your people. Y`see we don`t want our people to die, but there must be that chance or the game loses any thrill, suspense or feeling of reality. Just reload if you can`t handle it. The same principle with RNG which is why I was rather disappointed when I heard the Devs really don`t want it.
Even stealth worked very well, although Phantom`s is also good. So no, Xcom2 is still the best and I find myself wanting to install and run that every time Phantom`s uses its weird combat mechanic on me.
And I loved the customisation options which allowed me to really make individual people- Phantom Doctrine is sadly light on that. Also, nothing sexy for the ladies, I hope they add more options later, but that`s besides the point and a different issue.
Anyway, I`m only talking about the combat; I do like the strategic side of the game.
I never liked the "pod" activation mechanics of XCOM2 - it's improved in Long War 2, but even there it encourages a weird meta-gaming where you position your guys so you don't activate too many enemies at once. The worst about XCOM2 was the crappy time limits which made little sense, and were only added to cover up that the combat system would otherwise be easily exploited. I'm glad that PD at least didn't incorporate those mechanics.
PD could stand to have more customisation for agents - and I don't just mean visual (because that's already there and quite good), but in terms of training and the like. But the biggest issues seem to be some very bizarre design decisions - not talking about the lack of RNG (which while not quite suiting this game, could potentially work if tweaked - not sure how though, but I'm willing to see what it turns into) - but many little strange UI choices which make things more convoluted than necessary, and really bizarre things such as agents requiring transport for most jobs except tactical missions (agents on a plane cannot be selected, but agents in a city on the other end of the world instantly get there? That makes no sense).
Hopefully all those niggling issues can be solved in due course. Or at least via mods.
On a semi-related note, I'm pleasantly surprised to not only see two patches out already, but those patches have also made their way to GOG already. Not to mention the devs actually communicating on GOG forums. They obviously care about their game and respect their customers, which is often quite rare these days (even from smaller studios).
Post edited August 18, 2018 by squid830