##- Please type your reply above this line -##
To speed up the process of resolving your ticket, we're sending you this automated message that will hopefully answer your inquiry and/or resolve your issue. You can still reply if you require further assistance but please note that it may take us up to 2 weeks to get back to you, for which we sincerely apologise.
You can review your request below.
If the issue no longer persists, you can disregard this message. Otherwise, please continue.
If you're experiencing issues downloading games from us, make sure to try all available methods. These are:
1) GOG GALAXY -- You can install the app (
https://www.gog.com/galaxy), which will allow you to install all of our games and which also supports other features, such us cloud saves and automatic updates.
2) Offline installers -- Go to your account in a browser (
https://www.gog.com/account), select the game from your library, and find "Download offline backup game installers". These installers will contain the game files only, and they don't support auto-updating or online features. Please make sure to download all parts including patches before starting the installation process.
You can also use GOG GALAXY as a download manager for offline installer files. In order to do so, please select a game in GOG GALAXY, click "EXTRAS" in the top bar and then select the file under "Offline backup installers".
We hope the above was helpful in resolving your inquiry. However, if we weren’t able to answer your questions, simply reply to this message and our Support team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Kind regards,
GOG Support Team