Posted December 28, 2018

How does a V1/AT4 get 5d6 sneak damage? I calculated 1d6+2d6. Okay, you can take Accomplished Sneak Attacker, but that's still 4d6. For that you sacrifice 3 points of BAB (you barely get the 3rd attack at the end), +1 weapon enchantment (that could also be a +d6 elemental damage) and the ability to take Bane Blade enchantment at level 15 (16 with a Monk dip), which is separate from normal enchantment limit and provides +2 more AB and +2d6 damage. Additionally you delay the ability to use Brilliant Energy enchantment, which makes you ignore enemy armors and shields. And you burn a feat as well. Not a cool trade in my book.
How is ES better if you're abandoning sneaks, when he gets less AC and no Int-to damage or Greater Specialization?
No ability to increase crit multiplier, get Int to confirm crits, no extra Attacks of Opportunity and no Initiative boost too.
An ES gets... the ability to wear armor, a little Strength, a few more points of damage on some spells and 1 more spell slot per spell level. But if you want to focus more on spellcasting, you should really go for a standard Magus.
ES is better first and foremost as he actually is capable to reach 20. that is not possible on a no-cha option in full party afaik. and once he reaches 20 you get 5d6 sneak and some other nifty spells for the endgame. even more so no cha MC will end the game at 18 give or take.
monk saint is ok, I guess, but he doesn't gain much from monk. it's just 7AC between robes and wis. so he will get on par but with a little more damage and less resists, he also is bound to waste some of his slots on a situational spells that you just have to have but that won't be always useful. I guess pick your poison situation. initiative I don't value that much cause as long as it's decent it's good enough and you spend first turn(s) kiting for better positioning anyways.
also most of SS damage is conditional and those arcane points have better use than burning them every turn.
crit confirms are whatever as you do them at full bab always. so that's about +45 to the roll on proper magus. not enough things in game with so much ac
basically I'm scraping the barrel to justify saint at all given the level discrepancy. with sneak you can at least say "he deals some more damage midgame" to justify it.
Post edited December 28, 2018 by InEffect