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Bezhukov: Your guide is poor. I'm not suffering, far from it. I'm blowing the game out and having a ball. Then again, I've explored more than one third the game. You should try it sometime. And you shouldn't be misleading new players about what's viable and enjoyable in this game.
Your attitide is poor. His guides and builds are all top notch. All you're doing is saying how amazing you are without contributing anything other than a ton of bullshit. Please write your own "better" guide or get the hell out before some poor newbie starts taking your bullshit seriously.
>Your attitude is poor. His guides and builds are all top notch.
Debatable. While his builds are helpful, they are far too min maxing, and are quite detrimental to the player experience. As in, it imposes a specific playstyle upon the player in which they may or may not be comfortable with. Pathfinder is a complex game and at times a overwhelming game; but not for the reasons you think. Anything can work in the game, as long as you're willing to figure out what works and what doesn't. Such an experience is truly the most precious of things. It forces the player to think, to learn, and to discover.

The plethora of options available in the game is simply outstanding. The fact that I can beat Pathfinder on Unfair without the usage of Ineffect's build, is a testament to how well designed the game is. Yet, I attribute this more to the rule set in which the game is based on, than the actual game.

Moving along, perhaps the most challenging aspect of Unfair is the early game. No amount of hardcore min maxing will help you, if you don't know the where or the how. More specifically, Knowing the proper locations to go to for easily attainable experience and gold(I see Ineffect has already covered this to a certain degree), and the tactics to employ for challenging encounters.

Of course as with all things, if you managed to survive through the early game, the rest of the game is a cake walk. That is the nature of the rule set in which the game is based on, and the power that the developers give the player through items and passives.

>Please write your own "better" guide or get the hell out before some poor newbie starts taking your bullshit seriously.
I already am actually. I have exhaustively gone into great detail in how to survive the prologue in unfair, and optimal pathing for getting through Chapter 1 on unfair.
You can find the guide at RPGCODEX, within the subsection of General RPG Discussion, Owlcat Games, Index to Pink Eye's Unfair Guide. If you wish to seek it out. As I can not post links.

This isn't by no means me shilling my guide. It is to support my argument. That I am not here to unfairly criticize Ineffect and or spout none sense. I have over a thousand hours in playing Pathfinder, and have beaten it on Unfair. In other words, I am within my right to say that Ineffect's approach towards the difficulty that is Unfair is unsatisfactory to my liking.
Post edited January 06, 2020 by AnimuGurl
In Effect, I have been using your builds since day 1, and I love them all, especially the companion builds. I have logged over 1200 hours thus far, but have not done unfair. For me, I need to beat the lower levels first. I find it amusing that two people dare to come here and try to discount your approach by saying that you are overinflatting the difficulty of Unfair *sigh*. Well, on to why I really came here to post. Your Valerie builds in Unfair are good, and I am trying them out on Hard atm. Crane Wing and Crane Riposte require a hand free, so it's not working with shield/sword or thw...I have tested this several times. What do you suggest I replace them with...Intimidating Prowess and maybe something else?
Oh, also, would it be viable to use your MT classes for Harrim and Tristian r should I pure class them both? (Tristian ecc and Harrim cleric/necro)
Post edited January 21, 2020 by tpaladin
tpaladin: Crane Wing and Crane Riposte require a hand free, so it's not working with shield/sword or thw...I have tested this several times. What do you suggest I replace them with...Intimidating Prowess and maybe something else?
It worked on the previous patch for sure. It's not in the path notes, but wouldn't be the first stealth fix they did. I'll test all the bugged stuff again when I have a bit of time to spare. If I had to replace wing/riposte on bard val... Probably Armor feats sooner and shatter earlier. Dazzle is very much useless if you have a dirge bard, so SF persuasion will be waste. Toughness is ok. There is no such thing as too much HP. Could also see taking that other perception boosting feat CBA to check the name rn.

tpaladin: Oh, also, would it be viable to use your MT classes for Harrim and Tristian r should I pure class them both? (Tristian ecc and Harrim cleric/necro)
Harrim just doesn't have much. As far as I'm concerned he's an advisor and he's useful in A1. Sure it's doable in whatever build, just don't expect him to be overly useful compared to abadar or erastil merc.

tpaladin: find it amusing that two people dare to come here and try to discount your approach by saying that you are overinflatting the difficulty of Unfair *sigh*.
It's not entirely wrong. Unfair can be beaten without min/max, with stock companions, and with straight 20 in a class builds at that. It just takes excessive micro and fights take longer. And early-game will be quite a bit more reloads.That;s not what the guide is about, though. IMO, if I want the most amount of people succeed using it, it has to be stacked as much in players favor as possible. And besides, I don't mind when people disagree, so long as things are kept relatively civil. That being said, it doesn't mean I will be persuaded that X approach is better without some hard math to the argument.
Post edited January 23, 2020 by InEffect
tpaladin: Crane Wing and Crane Riposte require a hand free, so it's not working with shield/sword or thw...I have tested this several times. What do you suggest I replace them with...Intimidating Prowess and maybe something else?
InEffect: It worked on the previous patch for sure. It's not in the path notes, but wouldn't be the first stealth fix they did. I'll test all the bugged stuff again when I have a bit of time to spare. If I had to replace wing/riposte on bard val... Probably Armor feats sooner and shatter earlier. Dazzle is very much useless if you have a dirge bard, so SF persuasion will be waste. Toughness is ok. There is no such thing as too much HP. Could also see taking that other perception boosting feat CBA to check the name rn.
I think we are on the same page with replacements...I did the same

tpaladin: Oh, also, would it be viable to use your MT classes for Harrim and Tristian r should I pure class them both? (Tristian ecc and Harrim cleric/necro)
InEffect: Harrim just doesn't have much. As far as I'm concerned he's an advisor and he's useful in A1. Sure it's doable in whatever build, just don't expect him to be overly useful compared to abadar or erastil merc.

I left Harrim MT, and pure classed Tristian

tpaladin: find it amusing that two people dare to come here and try to discount your approach by saying that you are overinflatting the difficulty of Unfair *sigh*.
InEffect: It's not entirely wrong. Unfair can be beaten without min/max, with stock companions, and with straight 20 in a class builds at that. It just takes excessive micro and fights take longer. And early-game will be quite a bit more reloads.That;s not what the guide is about, though. IMO, if I want the most amount of people succeed using it, it has to be stacked as much in players favor as possible. And besides, I don't mind when people disagree, so long as things are kept relatively civil. That being said, it doesn't mean I will be persuaded that X approach is better without some hard math to the argument.
Thanks so much for your reply, I really appreciate it!
>I find it amusing that two people dare to come here and try to discount your approach by saying that you are overinflatting the difficulty of Unfair *sigh
Get a grip you mad man. Ineffect is fully capable of taking criticism, and isn't and shouldn't be above it.

>it just takes excessive micro and fights take longer.
Yes. I agree, BUT that is the fun in it. That's where the game shines. The different tactical approaches you can take. Being forced to think outside the box. Figuring out the AI's weaknesses and abusing it to your advantage. That's the beauty of the unfair difficulty, that's why it is satisfying to defeat an encounter after wasting over an hour on it.

In truth I know that this doesn't appeal to most people. That not all people wish to waste an hour figuring out an encounter. But then why play Unfair if not for the satisfaction of wining a difficult encounter.

>That being said, it doesn't mean I will be persuaded that X approach is better without some hard math to the argument.
Of course not. My purpose here isn't to convince you that pure monks are the best class for unfair.
AnimuGurl: Yes. I agree, BUT that is the fun in it. That's where the game shines. The different tactical approaches you can take. Being forced to think outside the box. Figuring out the AI's weaknesses and abusing it to your advantage. That's the beauty of the unfair difficulty, that's why it is satisfying to defeat an encounter after wasting over an hour on it.
Different strokes and all that. I'm more of an optimization guy. I'm not shy from tactics when needed, but it's not the focus for me. Most fun I have in any given game is breaking down systems and stacking the odds till said game snaps. PK is nice in a way that it simultaneously has some challenge and quite some ways to break it, so it's not just one build to rule em all.
Post edited January 30, 2020 by InEffect
>>I'm more of an optimization guy.
>> I'm not shy from tactics when needed
>>PK is nice in a way that it simultaneously has some challenge and quite some ways to break it, so it's not just one build to rule em all
Yeah I agree, that's the beauty of this game. Any one strategy can work. As long as you know what you are doing. But still, I think giving tactical advice is also helpful. Players should be reminded of other ways to deal with the game. Instead of being forced into one singular approach. Which results in them not exploring and trying out different things.
AnimuGurl: But still, I think giving tactical advice is also helpful. Players should be reminded of other ways to deal with the game. Instead of being forced into one singular approach. Which results in them not exploring and trying out different things.
It's mentioned in the guide that I won't teach the basics of play. Casting spells on the line of engagement and tying everything in cheap summons is not exactly rocket science. They'll figure it out.
Besides, as I see it: they already have the math and tool access taken care of. Might as well leave em at least some fun in figuring out what they've been given. For unfair even with min/max they will still have to use spells and abilities sooner rather than later. I just don't see the benefit of spoiling both the building and combat aspect. And they also have at least one open slot to take something funky for the ride. Or several even.
Post edited January 31, 2020 by InEffect
>Might as well leave em at least some fun in figuring out what they've been given.
>For unfair even with min/max they will still have to use spells and abilities sooner rather than later. I just don't see the benefit of spoiling both the building and combat aspect.
>And they also have at least one open slot to take something funky for the ride. Or several even.
Fair enough then. I guess now that I am in agreement with you, there is no point in stinking up your guide. I hope many people find your guide helpful. Good day man, it was nice. Thank you for humoring me!
AnimuGurl: >I find it amusing that two people dare to come here and try to discount your approach by saying that you are overinflatting the difficulty of Unfair *sigh
Get a grip you mad man. Ineffect is fully capable of taking criticism, and isn't and shouldn't be above it.

>it just takes excessive micro and fights take longer.
Yes. I agree, BUT that is the fun in it. That's where the game shines. The different tactical approaches you can take. Being forced to think outside the box. Figuring out the AI's weaknesses and abusing it to your advantage. That's the beauty of the unfair difficulty, that's why it is satisfying to defeat an encounter after wasting over an hour on it.

In truth I know that this doesn't appeal to most people. That not all people wish to waste an hour figuring out an encounter. But then why play Unfair if not for the satisfaction of wining a difficult encounter.

>That being said, it doesn't mean I will be persuaded that X approach is better without some hard math to the argument.
Of course not. My purpose here isn't to convince you that pure monks are the best class for unfair.
You are a narcissistic buffoon, and you really should get an education in order to prevent making nonsensical statements like the aforementioned, dolt.
InEffect: Link
Would be too much hassle to post and format for GoG forums. There you go. People have been asking for it or quite some time. Since I don't need the space below the post, feel free to leave your feedback here.
If you used the Respecialization Mod, which companions and builds would you use for an Unfair playthrough?
Post edited March 05, 2020 by tstam9
InEffect: Link
Would be too much hassle to post and format for GoG forums. There you go. People have been asking for it or quite some time. Since I don't need the space below the post, feel free to leave your feedback here.
tstam9: If you used the Respecialization Mod, which companions and builds would you use for an Unfair playthrough?
Sky's the limit. Without deviating too much...
Val is is perfectly fine as is with her 34 point buy(assuming valor path) and 1 level of fighter, so she builds amazingly well into literally anything.

Jubi is fine, although could use bit more dex and grenadier kit.

Ekun could use a fix to his favored enemy so he wouldn't miss 1 fey. If I were designing the game companions I'd give him sacred/nobility/abadar start as it's a lot more open than ranger.

Harrim/tristian/jaethal suffer from hardcoded god selection more than anything else.
Jae could use 18 starting strength to be more focused and some universal starting class instead of an inquisitor... Slayer wouldn't be that bad - can build a lot of good bard or sorc or literally whatever else front-liners from there. Come to think of it, Freebooter start would be perfect for her. Can do lots of interesting stuff from there.

Linzy could just use 25PB. Could've been a decent medium armor tank to at least somewhat compete with Valerie(not really. Val has too many stats to compete with).

Octavia is perfectly fine, just her stats need a tiny bit of loving as 8CON is annoying to travel with. Could play her as sorc/AT, but that really relies on being a sylvan merc before 20... Guess with 2 respecs it would be that.

Nok-Nok I'd probably do as vivisectionist 16/KM4. Same reason as above. A lot more open. One can do a lot with vivi start, not so much with a KM start and I'd like more companions like val.

Reggie if he was LN/LE could be Abyssal scion 19/M1 with a vanquisher

Horny sisters I'd drop kineticist(cause it's broken) and built Some fun polar opposites... maybe make Kallike a kinetic knight and the Kanerah a sorc/AT... close enough to the theme. Or make one sylvan and the other sorc/AT... Although that's way too OP.

Amiri... Well... She could at least be a mad dog, and have PNP stats, at he bare minimum. Although there is no real way to make her unfair-viable while keeping her lore-friendly. If we toss lore-friendliness out it's abadar sacred12/Mad dog4/Booter4. She'd still be squishy, but at least useful. And if you really want to send it, you'd have to make her a Sword saint with oversized bastards. Haplo had the build somewhere on the codex for that. it's basically just yousr standard saint, but with GVS.
Post edited March 05, 2020 by InEffect
@InEffect I saw you say in another thread that any unfair party needs 2 frontline melee type units, 1 arcane caster, 1 cleric, 1 RTA, and one other thing that helps the party, potentially even another RTA.

RTA being ranged touch attacker I assume yes?

But in all the threads I've been able to read today that you wrote. This is the only one that actually has an arcane trickster build in it. And that build is said to be something you only switch to at level 20. So before level 20, what are people using for RTA purpose? Just a bunch of basic sylvan sorcerers? or? Am I reading too much into a random comment you made about RTA in another thread?

AnimuGurl: You can find the guide at RPGCODEX, within the subsection of General RPG Discussion, Owlcat Games, Index to Pink Eye's Unfair Guide. If you wish to seek it out. As I can not post links.

This isn't by no means me shilling my guide. It is to support my argument. That I am not here to unfairly criticize Ineffect and or spout none sense. I have over a thousand hours in playing Pathfinder, and have beaten it on Unfair. In other words, I am within my right to say that Ineffect's approach towards the difficulty that is Unfair is unsatisfactory to my liking.
Did you rename your guide?
and is that it?
Post edited March 06, 2020 by left1000
left1000: @InEffect I saw you say in another thread that any unfair party needs 2 frontline melee type units, 1 arcane caster, 1 cleric, 1 RTA, and one other thing that helps the party, potentially even another RTA.

RTA being ranged touch attacker I assume yes?

But in all the threads I've been able to read today that you wrote. This is the only one that actually has an arcane trickster build in it. And that build is said to be something you only switch to at level 20. So before level 20, what are people using for RTA purpose? Just a bunch of basic sylvan sorcerers? or? Am I reading too much into a random comment you made about RTA in another thread?
I usually take a sorc/AT merc and a jubi for the late-game. As to what to use... Jubi is awesome. Sylvan sorc is more of a disabler and can sometimes snipe something pesky. For any party the single most important thing is positioning. That's why having 2-3 good melees are... well... good. And so is having summons to spam. As to the party comp most importantly you need to have all your basic buff needs covered. Gotta have a some barding there. at least +2 song. +3 is good to have. Some way to automatically shatter everything, so either dirge or frightful aspect(or dreadful in the worst case), then come useful buffs... Clerics/sacreds do have quite a bit of oomph there. You have abadar/nobility and/or erastil/community there. I prefer community just cause I prefer a huge edge in hard fights rather than a slight edge in all fights. There is booter4/6 that is surprisingly hard to fit in anywhere. And then your common access buffs like bestow divine grace, archon's aura, heroism, haste, etc that are easy to have. And you need an alchemist cause he's like a tactical leader that actually works as he can infuse everyone who doesn't have access to echolocation with it(unless your whole party already has access to it). And then you need a few guys that do some actual damage. Pretty easy to fit in everything in 5 toons and you can have 1 meme-lord to take along for fun.

RTA's are just nice against some very armored things that get literally deleted by RTA's, But they are not some sort of divine weapon of armageddon you absolutely have to have. And alchemists are awesome to deal with swarms.
Post edited March 06, 2020 by InEffect