InEffect: Melee Sorc
Race: Human
Alignment: LG(for the robes)
Str: 18 > 22
Dex: 15 > 16 @4
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 7
Cha: 16
Final Build: Monk(Scaled Fist) 1/Sorcerer(Copper Dragon) 5/Dragon Disciple 4/Eldritch Knight 10
Main skills: Mobility 3, Knowledge: Arcana 5, Persuasion (Max)
Suggested secondary skills: Stealth 1+, UMD(Max)
Lvl 1: Monk - Martial Weapons // Dodge // Crane Style
Lvl 2: Sorcerer - Extend Spell
Lvl 3: Sorcerer - Weapon Focus: Greataxe
Lvl 4: Sorcerer
Lvl 5: Sorcerer - Dazzling Display
Lvl 6: Dragon Disciple
Lvl 7: Dragon Disciple - Outflank // Power Attack
Lvl 8: Dragon Disciple
Lvl 9: Dragon Disciple - Crane Wing
Lvl 10: Eldritch Knight - Shatter Defenses
Lvl 11: Eldritch Knight - Improved Critical: Greataxe
Lvl 12: Eldritch Knight
Lvl 13: Eldritch Knight - Crane Riposte
Lvl 14: Eldritch Knight - Dreadful Carnage*
Lvl 15: Eldritch Knight - Intimidating Prowess*
Lvl 16: Eldritch Knight
Lvl 17: Eldritch Knight - Greater Weapon Focus: Greataxe
Lvl 18: Eldritch Knight - Cleave
Lvl 19: Eldritch Knight - Cleaving Finish
Lvl 20: Sorcerer
Definitely a different kettle of fish (?) on Hard. Went through the tutorial and got one-shot a bunch of times, and a handful of total party wipes. +4 all over the place is a huge deal -- much bigger than I thought. However, it should be relatively more problematic in the beginning, when those +4 means you get hit and die instead of not, while later in the game those extra +4 will have a smaller relative importance. Unfair must have been extremely... unfair though. At least we survived a hit now and then on Hard. But on Unfair with double damage, basically any hit of any kind will kill you. Unless they roll a 2 damage from a bow or something. Had to try the library assassins many times before we survived. Thankfully the final battle was fine as Amiri is awesome.
Valerie buggered off this time, so I'm intrigued to see how that turns out. She has always been my tank, throughout the entire last playthrough. Harrim isn't up to much, but at least it's a cleric, even if a poor one.
Going back to this one again. Is Cleave really worth it? Have seen some discussions where it was labelled rather unfavourably. And what about Dreadful Carnage and Int. Prowess, are they so good that we need it? And why Extend? Is it that crucial early on, before rods are easily accessible? Combat casting is pointless?Tempting to go for spell focus conjuration or evocation, but if it's as useless as you say due to DC lagging behind, then I guess there is little point. It looks like the most useful to me, but yeah.. :-/
Reason I ask is that I kinda fell in love with chain AoO and would like to pick those feats up on this character too. Bonus that it triggers automatically too, and I'm not sure how micro-intensive Cleave will be.
One more thing, about skills. Is Magic device worth the investment? An alternative might be Athletics, just for non-armor weighed down values, and eventually high strength, for skill checks. Then Valerie or whoever else might normally cover it can do something else [edit: actually, Athletics is probably a bad idea, since I can't start picking up those points until lvl 9-10, as I need Perception to catch up first, and somebody else will need to cover Athletics anyway]. Main skills I'd like to get points into is Persuasion and Perception (I like to have several Perception people, and missed some items last time around, as some Storyteller artifacts missed pieces). Octavia should be able to cover a good deal of knowledge + lore, as I plan to try her out this time -- definitely need a dedicated spell thrower.
Why do you not want to use the power attack, is the BAB too poor to reliably hit stuff with it?
This is what I've noted down for now:
#1: Fighter - Dodge, Improved unarmed strike, Weapon focus (Greataxe)
#2: Sorcerer (Green draconic bloodline) - Combat casting / Spell focus ??
#3: Sorcerer - Crane style (BAB 2 now)
#4: Sorcerer
#5: Sorcerer - Dazzling display
#6: DD
#7: DD - Outflank, Power attack
#8: DD
#9: DD - Crane wing
#10: EK - Shatter defenses
#11: EK - Crane riposte
#12: EK
#13: EK - Improved critical (Greataxe)
#14: EK - Combat reflexes
#15: EK - Seize the moment
#16: EK
#17: EK - Greater weapon focus (Greataxe)
#18: EK - Blind fight (maybe too late, and could be ignored for Echolocation?)
#19: EK - Weapon specialisation (Greataxe) (pointless at this stage? +2 damage ain't much I guess)
#20: Sorcerer - (Unlikely to get to level 20, though)
Not quite sure about those latest feats, but I do quite fancy the AoO ones. Would this work out well?