left1000: Okay so the sizes, it just says on the descriptions in game when you right click. My bad.
Interestingly leopard goes from small to medium at level 4, but wolf and mastodon go from medium to large at level 7. I fully expect to fire this mercenary at or by level 7.
Thing is though, it looks like mastodon learns trip at level 7.
The leopard is a bit weak at level 1 IMO compared to say a wolf, but, this character will probably be in the party at level 4 where leopard gets his big upgrade.
Although this mercenary will put me up to a party of 6 almost right away. Unless I were to fire harrim the instant I grab valerie. Which, well, I might just do.
So, I guess that begs the question, mastodon for low on melee, leopard for everything else. I'm low on melee, but I plan to fire the mastodon before it becomes large and before it learns trample (which IIRC causes trips). I think maybe I'll pick leopard because well, there's no scenario in which leopard is bad. It's either best or second best it sounds like in all scenarios and all cases.
edit: In case anyone is curious... I decided to go human, defender of the wild, animal leopard:
8/16/15/7/19/7 In large part because a) I think I saw you recommend it, and b) I want spell specialization summon nature's ally at level 1. And, because well, I've spent way too much time reloading this save and trying options.
If you will fire him you don't need odd stats. I also don't really know why you want druid for earlygame, but that's besides the point, if it's not unfair you don't have to have sylvan merc. Also if you plan to fire him past A1 - pick smilodon. 5attacks>everything and the worst part won't ever come into play.
left1000: edit2: So that's gonna leave me with MC-sorc/valerie/tristan/mercdruid/amiri/jaethalORlinzi which seems to mean that I'll need to keep linzi in the party as a skillmonkey until I can get jubilost. In your unfair guide bard8 valerie takes trickery (because meleesorcMC has no skillpoints), but then bard11 valerie doesn't take trickery (because swordsaint has tons of skillpoints). Since I'm only on hard, and I won't have to be playing perfect. I'm thinking maybe I should let linzi m00ch EXP throughout the start of the game so I don't have to waste skillpoints on valbard. Although jaethal probably has enough skillpoints to handle it instead.
edit3: This leaves me a bit worried for camp skills. I've planned to have MC do cooking, but actually that would mean he has to lose perception because for some reason I decided 2skillpoints was enough for MC (persuasion is a must for lore). Amiri and then later/also mercdruid for hunting. Leaving stealth/trickery both to linzi/jaethal? Hmm.
Jaethat is an inquisitor and as such has all skills classed for what it's worth. And she has good enough int. Also, don't have just 1 guy with trickery. Have 2 or 3. Same with perception. it gets annoying to click on a chest to learn it's locked and have no 2nd-3rd character to open it with. Also 3 attempts per reload are better than 1 just for time-efficiency. And don't bother too much about camp skills. Only really important one is stealth, so you are not ambushed often. Everything else is whatever. Cooking only matters somewhat when you try to make ice-cream for hard skill-checks. I play literally the whole game without cooking anything but basic meals cause keeping tabs on ingredients is hell and they weigh a ton. Hunting is ok to reduce supply usage and guarding pretty much doesn't matter at all.