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You mean like this one? Never heard of it.
Hello, I was looking at your class ratings in the other stickied post, and interested to see your assessment of Eldritch Archer is that it's the best Archer in the game. Can you elaborate? What's your best build for it? What equipment would you look for?
AribethLives: Hello, I was looking at your class ratings in the other stickied post, and interested to see your assessment of Eldritch Archer is that it's the best Archer in the game. Can you elaborate? What's your best build for it? What equipment would you look for?
well eldritch archer makes the best archers. so long as you keep it at level 2 and use cantrips for an extra attack. Then you slap ranger on there and you get one mean character in terms of DPS

EA itself is kinda meh as it loses the spell if he misses.
Post edited April 17, 2019 by InEffect
AribethLives: Hello, I was looking at your class ratings in the other stickied post, and interested to see your assessment of Eldritch Archer is that it's the best Archer in the game. Can you elaborate? What's your best build for it? What equipment would you look for?
InEffect: well eldritch archer makes the best archers. so long as you keep it at level 2 and use cantrips for an extra attack. Then you slap ranger on there and you get one mean character in terms of DPS

EA itself is kinda meh as it loses the spell if he misses.
Ahhhhhhh okay. What would your mean dps build look like, best case, no holds barred?
InEffect: You mean like this one? Never heard of it.
Forgot to read the other thread i guess xD Thanks !
DPS Archer for AribethLives

Race: Human
Alignment: w/e

Str: 14
Dex: 19
Con: 14
Int: 11
Wis: 14
Cha: 7

Final Build: Magus(Eldritch Archer) 2/Ranger 15/Sacred Huntsmaster 3
Pet: Leopard or Smilodon
Deity/Domain: Whatever with Travel

Main skills: Stealth, Perception
Suggested secondary skills: Whatever you feel like.

Detailed leveling breakdown:
Lvl 1: Magus - Point-Blank Shot // Precise Shot
Lvl 2: Ranger - Magical Beasts
Lvl 3: Ranger - Weapon Focus: Longbow // Archery > Rapid Shot
Lvl 4: Magus
Lvl 5: Ranger - Deadly Aim // Underground
Lvl 6: Ranger
Lvl 7: Ranger - Boon Companion // Fey / Fey
Lvl 8: Ranger - Manyshot
Lvl 9: Ranger - Clustered Shots
Lvl 10: Ranger - First World
Lvl 11: Ranger - Blind Fight
Lvl 12: Ranger - Improved Precise Shot // Undead / Fey
Lvl 13: Ranger - Critical Focus
Lvl 14: Ranger
Lvl 15: Ranger - Tiring Critical // Forest
Lvl 16: Ranger - Point-Blank Master
Lvl 17: Ranger - Exhausting Critical // Monstrous Humanoids / Fey
Lvl 18: Sacred Huntsmaster
Lvl 19: Sacred Huntsmaster - Precise Strike
Lvl 20: Sacred Huntsmaster - Outflank
*Optional. Extend Spell is a good alternative for more Instant Enemy uses.

Magus Spells: True Strike
Ranger Spells: Aspect of the Falcon, Hurricane Bow, Sense Vitals, Instant Enemy
Inquisitor Spells: True Strike, Divine Grace, Remove Fear, Cure Light Wounds

Gear: pretty standard fare +stat items, except you don’t really care for AC - might as well ignore it. Buy Marksman Set in town to help with deadly shot penalties early. Switch to either stat hat or Sharp Eye later or just keep as is. Archer bracers are welcome as well.

Not much to tell. Right-click acid splash and forget. Pretty much a TWF of ranged options.
4 base+1 rapid shot+1 Multishot+1 Magus+1 Haste=8 ranged attacks per round. 5 of those at max BAB. Totally Fair.

Also stock up on lesser extend rods. Extending Hurricane Bow, Aspect of the falcon and sense vitals is really good for your (mental) health.
Post edited April 20, 2019 by InEffect
InEffect: DPS Archer for AribethLives

Race: Human
Alignment: w/e

Str: 14
Dex: 19
Con: 14
Int: 11
Wis: 14
Cha: 7

Final Build: Magus(Eldritch Archer) 2/Ranger 15/Sacred Huntsmaster 3
Pet: Leopard or Smilodon
Deity/Domain: Whatever with Travel

Main skills: Stealth, Perception
Suggested secondary skills: Whatever you feel like.

Detailed leveling breakdown:
Lvl 1: Magus - Point-Blank Shot // Precise Shot
Lvl 2: Ranger - Magical Beasts
Lvl 3: Ranger - Weapon Focus: Longbow // Archery > Rapid Shot
Lvl 4: Magus
Lvl 5: Ranger - Deadly Aim // Underground
Lvl 6: Ranger
Lvl 7: Ranger - Boon Companion // Fey / Fey
Lvl 8: Ranger - Manyshot
Lvl 9: Ranger - Clustered Shots
Lvl 10: Ranger - First World
Lvl 11: Ranger - Blind Fight
Lvl 12: Ranger - Improved Precise Shot // Undead / Fey
Lvl 13: Ranger - Critical Focus
Lvl 14: Ranger
Lvl 15: Ranger - Tiring Critical // Forest
Lvl 16: Ranger - Point-Blank Master
Lvl 17: Ranger - Exhausting Critical // Monstrous Humanoids / Fey
Lvl 18: Sacred Huntsmaster
Lvl 19: Sacred Huntsmaster - Improved Initiative*
Lvl 20: Sacred Huntsmaster - Outflank
*Optional. Extend Spell is a good alternative for more Instant Enemy uses.

Magus Spells: True Strike
Ranger Spells: Aspect of the Falcon, Hurricane Bow, Sense Vitals, Instant Enemy
Inquisitor Spells: True Strike, Divine Grace, Remove Fear, Cure Light Wounds

Gear: pretty standard fare +stat items, except you don’t really care for AC - might as well ignore it. Buy Marksman Set in town to help with deadly shot penalties early. Switch to either stat hat or Sharp Eye later or just keep as is. Archer bracers are welcome as well.

Not much to tell. Right-click acid splash and forget. Pretty much a TWF of ranged options.
4 base+1 rapid shot+1 Multishot+1 Magus+1 Haste=8 ranged attacks per round. 5 of those at max BAB. Totally Fair.

Also stock up on lesser extend rods. Extending Hurricane Bow, Aspect of the falcon and sense vitals is really good for your (mental) health.
You wouldn't insert a level of viv for 2d6 sneak attacks on each of those attacks? Or does that lose too much
Post edited April 19, 2019 by AribethLives
AribethLives: You wouldn't insert a level of viv for 2d6 sneak attacks on each of those attacks? Or does that lose too much
no space for it really. we can't drop ranger, can't drop magus so sacred is left. theoretically, we could swap him with 3 levels of alchemist. that'd cost us pet progression. but you'd gain 3d6 sneak and a mutagen. Really depends on how much you value the pet. You also can swap outflank or initiative with precise attack with the very same logic if you want some happy medium.
if you do not abuse the game for exp in one way or another it sure is better to grab vivisectionist because level20 is not happening.
Post edited April 19, 2019 by InEffect
Hello and many thanks for your help in advance.

I would need your help with two builds:

1) Universalist LN pure Wizard - I guess I'd have all the spells available so I can switch between being DMG and Control/Booster mode
2) Damage/Control Kineticist, Avatar style (so probably Air/Water I guess?)
Post edited April 19, 2019 by LordSerion
LordSerion: Hello and many thanks for your help in advance.

I would need your help with two builds:

1) Universalist LN pure Wizard - I guess I'd have all the spells available so I can switch between being DMG and Control/Booster mode
2) Damage/Control Kineticist, Avatar style (so probably Air/Water I guess?)
1) Any reason you want universalist? There is literally no downside to dropping Enchantment. Only good spell that is there would be greater heroism and chances are you'd have a bard in your party for that.

2)Air sadly is half-baked in the game. No chain invocation, no nothing. if you want good kineticist go for Unfair Kineticist or Kineticist with the latter being most likely what you are looking for

Only way air and water could even be incorporated without crippling you would be kinetic knight and that thing is garbage compared to proper kineticist and only pokes things with his lightsaber. Guess you can pick air as a 15th level element on unfair kineticist without much drawbacks.
Post edited April 19, 2019 by InEffect
LordSerion: Hello and many thanks for your help in advance.

I would need your help with two builds:

1) Universalist LN pure Wizard - I guess I'd have all the spells available so I can switch between being DMG and Control/Booster mode
2) Damage/Control Kineticist, Avatar style (so probably Air/Water I guess?)
InEffect: 1) Any reason you want universalist? There is literally no downside to dropping Enchantment. Only good spell that is there would be greater heroism and chances are you'd have a bard in your party for that.

2)Air sadly is half-baked in the game. No chain invocation, no nothing. if you want good kineticist go for Unfair Kineticist or Kineticist with the latter being most likely what you are looking for

Only way air and water could even be incorporated without crippling you would be kinetic knight and that thing is garbage compared to proper kineticist and only pokes things with his lightsaber. Guess you can pick air as a 15th level element on unfair kineticist without much drawbacks.
1) Roleplay mostly - as Nethys is the ruler of all magic, thematically his followers could also try to follow his footsteps and discover as widely as they can. I wouldn't go for MT (I tried that, it's suffering) but this is the next best I think.

2) OK, I will check them.
LordSerion: 1) Roleplay mostly - as Nethys is the ruler of all magic, thematically his followers could also try to follow his footsteps and discover as widely as they can. I wouldn't go for MT (I tried that, it's suffering) but this is the next best I think.

2) OK, I will check them.
for wizard it's one of the two options:
1) wiz9/Vivisectionist1/arcane trickster 10. Kinda go-to, but maybe not exactly thematic
2) pure scroll savant and just pew-pew those scrolls for days. Every garbage scroll in the game arcane or not will have some use for you
Post edited April 19, 2019 by InEffect
LordSerion: 1) Roleplay mostly - as Nethys is the ruler of all magic, thematically his followers could also try to follow his footsteps and discover as widely as they can. I wouldn't go for MT (I tried that, it's suffering) but this is the next best I think.

2) OK, I will check them.
InEffect: for wizard it's one of the two options:
1) wiz9/Vivisectionist1/arcane trickster 10. Kinda go-to, but maybe not exactly thematic
2) pure scroll savant and just pew-pew those scrolls for days. Every garbage scroll in the game arcane or not will have some use for you
Ok, may I see both options? I assume 1) is more viable unless I can craft scrolls, especially high-tier spells like Tsunami.
InEffect: for wizard it's one of the two options:
1) wiz9/Vivisectionist1/arcane trickster 10. Kinda go-to, but maybe not exactly thematic
2) pure scroll savant and just pew-pew those scrolls for days. Every garbage scroll in the game arcane or not will have some use for you
LordSerion: Ok, may I see both options? I assume 1) is more viable unless I can craft scrolls, especially high-tier spells like Tsunami.
Octavia more or less how those go. could be more optimal with s few tweak here and there but the general Idea is the same.

Scroll savant would be likely akin to conjuror(at least foci and summoning if not the school itself). Scrolls are found in bulk everywhere and are sold by a merchant that scales with arcane rank of the kingdom. You will have to decide as I'm not doing 2 builds, sorry. Those are time-consuming to do and I hope people would take my time with a bit of respect.
Post edited April 19, 2019 by InEffect
Hello InEffect, I'm going to follow your advice and take along Val for tank/support, linzy for buff/control, tristian as the main heals, amiri for DD, and Jub. That leaves the MC for the tank/DD. I'm kind of at a loss on what to make. Can you recommend a good tank or offtank/dps build. It doesn't have to be a totally new one...I could use something you've already made as well. I don't mind multiclassing, I have all the DLCs and I"m fine with min/maxing. I appreciate it