InEffect: s/b ranger/human/2 classes max/CG for pinto10
Race: Human
Alignment: CG as requested.
Pet: Smilodon
Str: 19 > 24
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 13
Wis: 13
Cha: 7
// You can toss 14 as you like. Int is a bit more skill-points, Dex would allow to make the most out of Heart of valor with just +6 dex item.
Main skills: Mobility 3, Perception, Stealth
Suggested secondary skills: Whatever you feel like.
Final Build: Ranger 16 / Alchemist(Vivisectionist) 4
Detailed leveling breakdown:
Lvl 1: Ranger - Dodge // Combat Expertise
Lvl 2: Alchemist - Magical beasts
Lvl 3: Ranger - Shield Bash // Two-Weapon Fighting Style > TWF
Lvl 4: Ranger - Underground
Lvl 5: Ranger - Boon Companion
Lvl 6: Alchemist - Combat Trick > Outflank
Lvl 7: Ranger - Accomplished Sneak Attacker // Fey / Fey
Lvl 8: Ranger - Improved TWF
Lvl 9: Ranger - Shield Focus
Lvl 10: Ranger - First World
Lvl 11: Ranger - Trip
Lvl 12: Ranger - Undead / Fey / Greater TWF
Lvl 13: Ranger - Shield Master
Lvl 14: Ranger
Lvl 15: Ranger - Greater Trip // Forest
Lvl 16: Alchemist
Lvl 17: Alchemist - Improved Critical: Longsword // Combat Trick > Bashing Finish
Lvl 18: Ranger - Double Slice
Lvl 19: Ranger - Fury’s Fall // Outsiders / Fey
Lvl 20: Ranger
Important Alchemist Spells: Reduce Person, Enlarge Person, Expeditious Retreat, True Strike, Restoration(Lesser), Cure Wounds spells.
Important Ranger Spells: Lead Blades, Acid Maw, Barkskin, Sense Vitals, Instant Enemy, Magic Fang(Greater), Aspect of the Wolf.
Gear: Whatever best 1h weapon you can find till very late. Might as well be longsword if you are adamant about using those. Best longsword would be Perfection or Redeemer Depending on what you can get your hands on.
Heart of Valor Breastplate. Singing Steel Breastplate late. Helmet of Battlefield Clarity(sold in town) till lvl 15
Ideal Late-game gear: Hat of mental perfection(crown will do as well, the difference is marginal), Gyronna’s Amulet, Cloak of the Chosen, Greater Ring of Ultimate Protection, Ring of circumstances(+Str+AC), Belt of physical perfection +8, Forest Kight’s Bracers, Alkali Gloves, Opportunist’s Boots, Ravena’s Oath.
Use Light Shield till lvl 13. Because you don’t want the penalties.
Should be fine. Gotta say it’s a huge missed opportunity to make use of the Scimitar of the Bear God(with a bear pet). It would just mesh better and bashing finish would profit a lot too. Oh well...
Combat expertise will help with AC early on. Once you finally let go of the Helmet of Battlefield Clarity - turn it off for good and only turn back on if you lack AC. Same With fighting defensively - only turn it on if the situation is dire.
Don’t forget to right-click Aspect of the wolf: Trip after you cast it so it auto-trips every round. Only use regular trips is you really need a bit of control and are out of aspects.
Wow this is awesome, didn't realise there was such an awesome scimitar and was thinking about a bear companion as well. Definitely think I'll head in that direction.