Posted June 05, 2019

Race: Human
Alignment: LN
Pet: Smilodon
Str: 7
Dex: 15
Con: 15
Int: 14
Wis: 19 > 24
Cha: 7
Final Build: Druid(DotTW) 17/Monk(Traditional) 1/Alchemist(Vivisectionist) 2
Main skills: Persuasion (Max), Perception (Max), Trickery (Max), Mobility 3
Suggested secondary skills: UMD and a bit of stealth, lore: nature and lore: religion
Detailed leveling breakdown:
Lvl 1: Druid - Spell Focus: Conjuration // Spell Specialization
Lvl 2: Druid
Lvl 3: Druid - Augment Summoning
Lvl 4: Druid
Lvl 5: Druid - Superior Summoning
Lvl 6: Druid
Lvl 7: Druid - Deceitful
Lvl 8: Druid
Lvl 9: Druid - Spell Focus: Evocation
Lvl 10: Druid
Lvl 11: Druid - Greater Spell Focus: Evocation
Lvl 12: Druid
Lvl 13: Druid - Elemental Focus: Fire*
Lvl 14: Alchemist
Lvl 15: Druid - Greater Elemental Focus: Fire
Lvl 16: Druid
Lvl 17: Druid - Dodge
Lvl 18: Druid
Lvl 19: Monk - Crane Style // Crane Wing
Lvl 20: Alchemist - Cognatogen
*or Electricity. Both have merits, Can’t fit in both
Spell Specialization: Latest summon spell till 11(or whatever really. Extra duration is helpful early), 11-13 Sirocco, 13-15 Creeping Doom, 15+ Stormbolts
Important Spells:
Lvl 1: Entangle, Acid Maw, Magic Fang
Lvl 2: Sickening Entanglement, Barkskin
Lvl 3: Spike Growth, Resist Energy(Communal)*, Delay Poison(Communal), Magic Fang(Greater)
Lvl 4: Echolocation, Spike Stones, Protection from Energy(Communal)*, Slowing Mud
Lvl 5: Vinetrap, Cave Fangs, Animal Growth
Lvl 6: Sirocco
Lvl 7: Creeping Doom, Legendary Proportions**
Lvl 8: Stormbolts, Seamantle**, Frightful aspect**
Lvl 9: Elemental Swarm
*Might want to downgrade to regular ones if solo
**Good, but you likely won’t have space for those
Gear: Monk robes or fire/electricity robes, AC gear, ring of circumstances, Stat gear, Profane Ammy from varnhold dlc, rods
Bit about what he actually does: earlygame is mostly summon spam while pet hopefully kills stuff. Once you get ground spells like spike growth you add a degenerate teactics of kiting enemies around those with a pet to your repertoire. Sirocco will add Some Hard CC, which is always good. Come level 13 you get Creeping Doom and real degeneracy kicks in. Sit back, relax and wait for enemies to die.
I am kinda torn between fire and electrical focus. The former kicks sirocco into usable DC’s and the latter is a good damage spell targeting fort. Considering you would likely use strombolts with that +4DC maximize+Empower masterpiece rod, I opted for fire to give yourself a hard CC when you need it.
Monk is taken late as you really only need Touch AC from that investment. Technically can be skipped, but it generally is less pita that way.
Alchemist is there to make all skills class skills and to provide cognatogen for an extra +4 wisdom boost
Don’t forget to convert your spells into summons when you need them.
That’s about it. The apotheosis of degenerate unfair tactics. Solo or a very small party is advised as you want to get to 13 asap.
Don't care about pet losing levels late as pet falls off bit past midgame anyways.