lowesox: Admittedly I went into the game thinking I'd be fine trying something new. I agree that a lot of the systems seem outdated and ended up being annoyed by them too. But the two biggest problems for me were the autosave and the way time passes arbitrarily the first time you experience death, something you'd never know unless you die but once it happens it penalizes you in a way that I'm completely dumfounded by. I spent the first day, sunrise to sundown getting the 150 silver to pay off my house from selling items found around town. I know it was one day because I was struggling to finish after dark. I had just enough items to sell from exploring town but stuck it in my home chest and slept til morning before heading over to explore the storage/cave area. There was a button prompt for locking onto enemies and in an effort to figure combat out I got myself killed. No big deal cause I was in normal mode rather than hardcore and figured it'd just revert back to my last autosave when I slept. Instead it dropped me outside the storage area, which seemed even more forgiving.
I ran up to my house to heal up, ready to pay my debt before what I believed would be the end of day 2 (out of 5). A guard was already in front of the house, and told me it wasn't mine anymore which meant all the stuff I'd gathered including the 150 silver was lost inside. When I had died apparently 4 days had passed and I'd lost out on not only securing the house but more importantly everything I'd spent the last 4-5 hours doing. Uninstalled the game (deleting my save cause fuf this game forever) and come here to learn I could have just restored the save files manually by screwing around with the save files themselves -- wtf is even the point of having an autosave if that's the case?
I should probably also admit I rarely play games, and narrowed down getting this one on a sale sometime back, so that 4-5 hours was precious and now feels completely wasted on this shitty experience. To be fair, so was this post. But it's a better catharsis than throwing my controller through the TV.
Glad i read the reviews and input here. Almost bought it, then i seen the experience is more so designed to be a massive time sink punisher. You make a mistake, and your punished in the harshest of ways, one that makes time and effort played worthless. Good to know this is a game to pass up. Thanks to those who provided useable review feedback. It helps