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Is there anyway to run this game in a window?
Yes, however you have to set the display colour setting to 16-bit each time you want to play
(or by making a batch script).

To force window mode (for windows 7):
i. right-click you Nox shortcut and choose Properties.
ii. in the Shortcut-tab, edit the Target-field by adding " -swindow" at the end (without quotation marks).
op. you can also try " -window" (without s) to get a larger window.

Tested on Windows 7.
senbon: Yes, however you have to set the display colour setting to 16-bit each time you want to play
(or by making a batch script).

To force window mode (for windows 7):
i. right-click you Nox shortcut and choose Properties.
ii. in the Shortcut-tab, edit the Target-field by adding " -swindow" at the end (without quotation marks).
op. you can also try " -window" (without s) to get a larger window.

Tested on Windows 7.
Thanks it works.

Though it causes more problems for me, like screen tearing, dodgy sound and sometimes the game can crash.

-window does not put the game in a window, it just makes the game look worse with screen tearing lol...... Nevermind.
senbon: (snip)
Tsuz: Thanks it works.

Though it causes more problems for me, like screen tearing, dodgy sound and sometimes the game can crash.

-window does not put the game in a window, it just makes the game look worse with screen tearing lol...... Nevermind.
I doubt the game was ment to be played outside its exclusive environment, which is what you are experiencing.

It does put the game in window mode (as opposed to exclusive fullscreen mode, which is
another beast). What it does however is scale the window to it's maximum size.

One last thing you could try out is adjusting the compatiblity setting, but I doubt it'll help much, sadly :<.
Tsuz: Thanks it works.

Though it causes more problems for me, like screen tearing, dodgy sound and sometimes the game can crash.

-window does not put the game in a window, it just makes the game look worse with screen tearing lol...... Nevermind.
senbon: I doubt the game was ment to be played outside its exclusive environment, which is what you are experiencing.

It does put the game in window mode (as opposed to exclusive fullscreen mode, which is
another beast). What it does however is scale the window to it's maximum size.

One last thing you could try out is adjusting the compatiblity setting, but I doubt it'll help much, sadly :<.
After doing that -swindow I went back to playing to normally but not the game will not run in full screen mode, only in a little box with black edges.
Strange, are you sure you are running NOX.EXE (and not say Game.EXE)?
senbon: Strange, are you sure you are running NOX.EXE (and not say Game.EXE)?
I fixed it in the Nvidia CP. I had to change the aspect ratio to full screen, though I wonder why it had changed in the first place.
I would like to stream NOX as well as basically run it in a window. Windowed mode would help with my streaming options since OBS window capture is better than Xsplit software capture if I were to use software capture at all.

Unfortunately OBS doesn't recognize NOX running in Window Capture mode so I am forced to have my mouse held captive in full screen on my middle monitor (3 monitors).

I want a windowed mode that doesn't hold my mouse hostage.

This doesn't seem to be the solution.
This is possible using the SDL patch. See my other post for more info.
superjack46: This is possible using the SDL patch. See my other post for more info.

Nice lack of details there.

Yes. I only saw this response now.

I had to Google for it and found the forum thread that I found here as well you linked:

All this does when I run the bat file is "Nox GUID window comes up and doesn't respond with just white window and DOX box.
Post edited October 13, 2013 by ITPalg