The most interesting resolutions to try and getting Nox to run for me isn't 1920x1080 or 1680x1050. The game crashes above 1024x768 I read, and people might think this is a failure. It isn't so, necessarily. I suggest looking at running NOX at either 840x525 (16:10) or 960x540 (16:9). If you don't know then these two resolutions is exactly half of the native resolutions at these aspects, which means non-blurry scaling, which is important for picture quality.
The advantages in short:
+non-blurry scaling + widescreen resolution
+more of a personal view then you'd get at e.g. 1080p (it's a preference in the end, of course)
+these resolutions isn't gameplay breaking. The game wasn't designed to have a viewing field over 1024x768 which might cause game-play related issues (undetermined)
I'm going to test this out myself later and report back, but I also read that it might not even work in multiplayer even if under 1024x768?, so that's a real bummer for me, if true.
Check out the link below for how to run a few stable wide-screen resolutions (see the post my me on the linked page). Also, I've attached two pictures below of 640x480 as the baseline and one of 960x540, which is 16:9: Credits: 'Saruman'