Bearprint: John, can you confirm what Torel says?
In a word Yes lol.
Same thing with ToreLTwiddlers resusts: Slight flicker of mouse cursor on the main menus, but not while playing.
Btw I'm just using a NON gaming Lenovo laptop w/ integrated graphics on the mobo. Heres hoping it works for you as well!
Bearprint: The description says Win 8, but what about 10?
TorelTwiddler: In the Windows Settings for both NOX.EXE and Game.exe:
- Compatiability Mode: Windows98/Windows Me
- Settings: Reduced Color Mode > 16 bit
In-Game Options:
- Set it to 1024x768 and it will apply when you start playing the game itself (not the meuns).
- 16 bit color
- Uncheck "Unlocked DX Surfaces"
Slight flicker of mouse cursor on the main menus, but not while playing.
Main menus are always 640x480.
Game runs fine.
Indeed thanks big-time friend!