XenonS: Yeah they changed that, you now have to figure out the *percentage* in your head to know how your profit margin could be :)
dashiichi: There's some significant weirdness going on with the prices.
In my ship's cargo slot, one crafted AntiMatter glob is priced at U5233. The cost to buy one at this particular space station terminal is U5258. Okay, that's not too bad. But the delta is shown as -U22216, as if the base price was U27474. What's up with that? The prices from ships in the hanger bay are consistent with the U27474 baseline, with one AntiMatter glob costing U7714 but showing a delta of -U19760. Somebody at HG compiled with the wrong data file?
I think more than just the in-game pricing is weird...;) They put the game on a fairly decent sale price for a couple of days to draw attention to the new patch--but as soon as the 1.3/1.31 bug info begins to flow copiously--what do they do but decide to ratchet the price back to $60?...;) Jeepers, someone at Sony must believe that once people read about all the new bugs introduced into the game they'll be falling all over themselves in line to buy the game at full pop...! Ha-ha-...very strange stuff these days--everywhere. Reason and logic--right out the window.
What they should do is put the game on massive sale permanently *until they get 90% + of the bugs fixed for certain* and then move the price back up...! IMO, all they are doing now is turning more people away from the game. These continuing bug reports--which seem often worse after each patch leave me cold.