...there's.. just one tiny little problem with that idea. It rests on the assumption that the patch takes out the stackable units. Rather than that for example certain edits to save-files during the experimental branch build weren't 100% successful.
Or that the patch "disabled" the magic wand "function" to slide across the selector screen on multiple items.
When what the patch more likely took care of was the.. er.. somewhat dangerous problem where you would lose inventory when dismantling and there wasn't enough free space. And any inventory recovery from graves (that then would unwind a different storage back to internal storage) would end up being lost since the spaces would be filled in the wrong order (and no stacking would happen, and wrong stacking would happen with minerals and isotopes originally were stored in half-full spaces, etc.
In the same way, the "magic wand" thing is from how once you've "charged" the pointer, the next item you hover over would instantly fire. This is potentially not a fantastic option if you have several items in the UI that can be interacted with. Where you might, say, have an item that needs a focus in and focus out event. That then would simply loop forever and lock up the entire thing. This may also be a ps4 exclusive problem due to an overlay issue (see: function in game never ending while OS overlay suspends thread -> instant crash).
But whatever. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough if we've been one patch-version behind, or if HG have finally branched the PC version from the ps4 version.
In other news, I heard that Sean Murray eats human flesh for breakfast, by the way. Someone very credible on reddit, according to themselves, said they had proof, or at least believed very strongly that they had seen it happen in a dream. Which on balance surely means it happened, rather than that someone made it up. Because Occam's Razor says the simplest explanation is true. And the simplest explanation is that Sean Murray lied. And eats human flesh for breakfast.
In the same way, any technical discussion or logic can safely be dismissed, because it's complicated. Thanks to Occam, who clearly proposed his theorem in order to disprove the need for any science, observation or logic.