No Manz Guy: Yeah, inventory is now a mess. Lots of people now have useless placeholder upgrades crowding their inventory. They can't be moved to tech, because you can't double up on upgrades. I don't see how that makes survival and permadeath more exciting, only more grindy.
And the new inventory item images look juvenile; they dumbed down the inventory system for the Nintendo Switch release and screwed over their current user base in the process. Sure hope they fix this mess.
Tatwi: That is definitely how I would describe what they have done to the catalouge and guide pages. Huge amounts of empty space designed for touch screens, spastic smattering of icons which must be used to initiate the menu on the left side.
Why can't anyone under 40 design a sensible UI? We old folks started off with text mode computers, yet some of us went on to designe the most inituative user interfaces for the PC/Mac. What happened to designers? I don't get it.
I know, old man shakes fist at cloud, but come on people... stop making things worse.
Back-porting changes required for less sophisticated into more sophisticated ones - reminds me of when Microsoft jammed the tablet-oriented Windows 8 at us.
Things simplified to reduce resource usage on a resource limited platform, I get it. Change the UI so it is more functional for a hand held touch screen device, I get this too. My PC isn't resource limited though, I don't need my experience dumbed down like a Switch user would. My crappy alt monitor is 24" 1080p not 7" 720p. Not looking forward to how these changes will look on my main 32" monitor - my guess is "too big, childlike, waste of space".
The comments on the steam discussions are hilarious though :D