Posted August 21, 2016
Also, I'm not re-starting the hate train, as obviously stated in my replies in this thread. This is purely a discussion about the two and how they can become one. If you read some of the replies you would understand that, there are some highly intelligent concepts put forth that could inspire someone to push the genera further. Please reread the thread again before making another comment and insulting my original post. This is a discussion thread in the end, and I'm discussing possibilities for the future, not trolling or rehashing some stupid hyped "it's good/it sucks" mentality.
BTW, I'm about 30 hrs into the game and loving no hate here.
I too am loving the game, and see benefits of both methods. The thing is there just haven't been many procedural games as far as I know. The benefits are you can quickly make worlds the size of real worlds, with randomness that some of us like.
But that also cuts down on the human creativity in each item generated. You can only do so many options and ways to do things with a formula currently. There are much more options when things are done by hand but it takes forever, hence most game worlds are hundreds of times smaller than just one planet in NMS.
In the end we all have to decide what we like and support games that do that.
I like the procedural generation, but hope they do add more unique options to make some worlds truly different from the others, and more habitats and ships that are crazy different. So far I am very happy with what I have seen, and in another thread I saw a purple haze world that looked different to anything I had seen so far in the dozen worlds across a few systems. .