Gothfather: Hey Jerk don't misquote me you wanker. You have not provided a SINGLE bit of evidence you just make claims. I have provided links on performance issues with specs of the systems showing your false narrative is BS.
Regals: Than why do I and thousands and thousands more have no performance issues?
Well moron?
The truth is totalretard... totalbiscick... totallicknuts...
O total something...
Was paid off...
Considering that is 99.9% of his reviews work... that companies pay him... you know blizzard use to pay him for majority of his garbage?
Than little sheeps with IQ below ten that never bought or played the game rush to his defense sucking off his cancer ridden balls.
"Even TotalBiscuit doesn't claim to be a reviewer, though he is very adamant about flying the banner of "critic" atop his iconic UK flag." That is his excuse why it is okay for him to take money and lie... kotaku sticking up for him... you know the gamergate target.
It is shame the cancer didn't finish the job.
Internet critics/reviewers are the scum of society... and you are the brain dead sheep. I find it funny you never ask what system I am running this on with max settings...
That is cause you don't care... to compare to yours you just want to troll and infect your garbage.
I never asked you because I don't believe you'd be truthful. You haven't cited on source it is all BS opinion. FACTS are something you can point to and you can't you just make claims.
The two links you use and I laugh yes have totalbiscuit named in them but did you READ them moron? You claim Totalbiscuit takes money for his 'reviews' and then link the following...
This isn't a link showing totalbiscuit took money you idiot. This is totalbiscuit revealing that he was offered and declined they publicly out the company that tired to do so. Do you know how to read? What you think totalbiscuit blowing the whistle on this make him complicit? This isn't a demonstration of your intellectual prowess this is a demonstration of you idiocy.
The next link talk about the practice of youtuber taking money but totalbiscuit isn't named moron. What we see is that when steamspy compared totalbiscuit coving an indie game there doesn't appear to be much of a correlation between the sales on steam and coverage by totalbiscuit. Totalbiscuit isn't implicated by this paragraph you idiot.
An interesting Tweet I saw from SteamSpy this afternoon claims there doesn't seem to be much of a correlation between number of Steam sales a game has after it's been covered by a popular YTer (in this example, they used TotalBiscuit and up to a period of 20 days after the feature of an indie game on YouTube).
Totalbiscuit is simply the youtuber that steamspy used to make the analysis he isn't the popular youtuber talked about by the reddit poster asking for money to review their game.
source: What are you incapable of critical thought and basic reading comprehension? You see a title and you think any name associated with the topic equals implication with said topic? I mean fraking hell 'totalbiscuit REVEALS shady deal' doesn't mean the same as 'Totalbiscuit is revealed to have shady deal.' What fraking moron uses a link of Totalbiscuit whistle blowing someone trying to bride him as proof he is bought and paid for?
You third link talks about the shadows of mordor scandal and totalbiscuit is quoted as saying "The problem is that you can't review, first impressions, critique or whatever this game on PC prior to launch or even on launch (unless you weaseled your way in as we did) if you don't take a deal that specifically says 'you can't say bad things.' You don't see a problem with that? It is the worst case scenario in which a company withholds review copies to maximise potential exposure while keeping critique at bay, it's about as anti-consumer as it gets,"
This is him stating the process is wrong it is not an admission you moron. So All of these links to 'prove' totalbiscuit takes money for his reviews actually reinforce the exact OPPOSITE position you claimed.
Maybe you don't understand what facts are facts are not talking points that you just link some random page to just because they talk about the same subject as your claim. A fact is something that is true and the link is designed to demonstrate this, it isn't suppose to demonstrate the exact opposite.
I know as an opinion based gamer facts are really really hard to master because they keep getting in the way of your opinion and every time you try and use them it fails. The reason is that your opinions are based on nothing more than your emotions and not based on facts. You see intelligent people don't form an opinion and then seek out facts to base them on. No we let the facts form our opinions so it isn't difficult for us to show facts that support our position because we didn't form our opinion first we saw the facts first THEN formed our opinion.
Why are you and other having no difficulty with the game? That isn't surprising that some player have no problems as pretty much every PC is unique. You see boys and girls not all PC use the same hardware or software this create different configurations not all hardware is the same either even though it is the same. For example NVidia gtx 1080 cards are not made by NVidia but by multiple different manufactures that make them slightly different this is why when a couple of these manufactures were discovered to have overclocked their gpus without disclosing this it was a scandal. Why would they do this if hardware is exactly the same? Well they wouldn't hardware isn't exactly the same even within the confines of the same video card.
[Source for scandal] See this is how your source a claim.
So your combination of hardware and software is such that you have no problems the fact that other people with and i7 @4 Ghz running a NVidia gtx 1070 card with 16 gigs of ram can show issues with the game can definitively prove that crap hardware isn't the root of the problem. It is optimization. It amazes me that I have to explaine to you the concept of pc configurations and how they can make a difference to performance. Oh wait you are just spewing bullsh!t so it is a case of you manufacturing BS to make a claim Like totalbiscuit took money to do a review. What amazes me is that you post links that disprove this and if totalbiscuit took money to review NMS why did he crap on it? Even your BS isn't logically consistent. What are you claiming that totalbiscuit was paid my Sean Murray to give NMS a bad review and that is why totalbscuit made his video? WTF? lol
Your post proves that if you had an IQ two points higher you'd be a tree. It makes false acusations then proves your own position is false with your own links and your logic for your accusation doesn't makes sense who would pay a reviewer to give them a bad review?
You did make one accurate claim totalbiscuit doesn't consider himself a reviewer. He has stated he doesn't because he feels the only way to review a game is o play it from start to finish which he does not do so he gives 'first impressions' what he feels about the game without playing the whole thing. He discloses this to the viewer so what is the problem?