The issue was, I forgot to revert the game settings that allowed me to build bases anywhere... Now that I changed it, the game runs fine.... this one file has the Base building limit, default value of 20,0000 I had 9,999,999 LOL
the TKGraphicsetiing Xml readme file if anyones interested...
Also, I highly recommend everyone delete the txt in the Gamedata/pcbanks folder it should be the only one in there, it's purpose is to disable mods... After verifing the game, it downloads that txt file everytime, takes 5 minutes on a 200 MBPS connection, for a 5kb file... The foundation update added that file, but when you create a MODS folder you do not need the 3rd party app "No Man's Sky Extender" The game does load mods automatically over the default files.. as long as that txt doc is gone...I wish I could make gog galaxy not download it when verifying..