eispfogel: Before i purchase the game here....
I read(for example here:
http://www.gamespot.com/articles/no-mans-sky-will-have-traditional-multiplayer-but-/1100-6420982/ ) the NMS will have a Multiplayer System of some sort.
Is it possible to access this mode with the GoG-Version, or is it just offline singleplayer?
If the gog-version also features this online mode will this be compatible with the steam version of the game?
I think it's too early to be asking these kinds of questions, the game doesn't come out until June, I think? All the answers people will be getting are speculation by other people who've read gaming news sites' previews.
The only ones who could definitely answer these types of questions would be the devs or at least a "blue" GOG staff member, but those have been kind of absent from the forums, lately.
I don't want to speculate, so I'll just say that, at this stage, I honestly don't know. All I know is that I trust the devs, I know they're pouring their all into this game, and I really think it's going to be amazing when it comes out.