Jorendo: And what if Hello Games didn't provide GoG with the patch, how is that GoG's fault? Their fault is that they don't communicate it right now, that i give you. But people are overreacting like no tomorrow as if GoG made the game and are the only ones responsible for not having it patched. Yet i doubt many of them actually went to the official channels to adres it. Again, go ask Hello Games aswell why the patch isn't on GoG.
Extantient: and thats a huge issue when a global release date was announced weeks or months before the scheduled release.
the simple fact is that if we had all bought it on steam, this wouldnt be an issue, therefor its a problem with GOG, regardless of if there is a breakdown between HG and GOG, they have had months to work it out and tell us if there was any issues - that alone is enough for me to never even look at the GOG website again.
i have emailed HG and GOG - as we all know, they arent in the mood for talking.
vostok7: But I don't want to buy it on Steam, I already bought it on GOG. I would think GOG would want to keep me as a customer, no?
Extantient: apparently not.
Are you for real right now? They had months to inform you if the patch was gonna be released or not today? Come on get real please. If something happened today, how the heck could they have known that 2 weeks ago, let alone 50 years ago (yeah i'm overreacting now too). I don't know, are you able to peer in the future. And i don't know if you know how game development works, but it's not like the NEXT patch has been out for months and just laying aorund till they find a nice date to publish it. Steam and such probably didn't even get it till today either, or yesterday. Hell even steam released the patch later then they normally release things.
Fine if you are angry and upset, but try to keep it real and don't overreact with things that make no sense what so ever. No they didn't had months of time to prepare this, that is not how game development and releases work.
tolsen64: I'm not gonna let a hiccup like this stop me from buying cheap games from the past or chooing GOG over Steam for new games that are DRM / Client free.
People tend to overreacted and always shout "I WILL NEVER EVER BUY HERE AGAIN!" but the reallity is, 99% of the people who shout that, will remain buying things here anyway. That's just how it works, when it's cheaper here or don't want DRM, they will come back anyway. Maybe for a few weeks they won't buy a thing here, but most people will remain a customer here anyway.