AulisVaara: I've started playing the game for the first time since 2016, I'm in the tutorial section where I'm supposed to build and use a Portable Refiner. However, interacting with the Portable Refiner once placed will simply deconstruct it as if I was holding the deconstruct button. Anyone ANY idea of what's going on?
Also, the game crashes on Alt-tabbing. Very annoying to research a problem.
The problem with alt-tab has been around for a while with no correction. It may be by design.
Not sure about the problem with the portable refiner. Just in case - the portable version seems to have fallen by the wayside in favor of the Personal Refiners which are carried in the exosuit tech and can be run while doing other things. The Mk 2 Personal Refiner allows for two inputs so obviously can do more. Can only have one type of Personal Refiner installed at a time.
Welcome back. Not many day 1 players around.
EDIT: I just tested the Portable Refiner and did not have a problem. I built one and holding E allowed me into the refiner to use it. I then exited the refiner and held the middle mouse button and the Portable Refiner was moved to my Exosuit Cargo Inventory so that it could be "built" again without consuming any materials although the build menu is used to place it back. The graphics are misleading as it appears that the Portable Refiner is being dismantled instead of simply being picked up.