DOWL: I see you have been posting bug reports in the GOG Forum. If you want Hello Games to see them, use their
Zendesk instead.
XenonS: Yes absolutely, HG will not lose much time to deeply go through the bug reports in the forums, although i have seen responding them in rare occasions in the Steam forum asking for the savegames.
It's important that you include your latest saves in the report so HG can reproduce the bug.
I've reported quite a few straight out bugs since Atlas Rises, some of which got fixed some of which didn't. I'll readily admit, that what I conceive to be a bug might be an ignorable annoyance to other players. I'll also admit to the fact, that persistence in NMS is a thing, and some of the bugs I (still) experience are non-fixable without providing a common, non-optional (read=forced online) state.
I have a rather long list of small and large 'unexpected behaviours', (not) starting with the confusing dialogue choices when refusing a free freighter, and (not nearly) ending with being bounced back and forth between base computers unless not Teleporting but flying over to trigger a valid quest step.
I sure hope we're not at the end of the current patch-cycle.