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jimmy12345: Any non-Gog Galaxy players out there able to get the Mud Huts from the Quicksilver merchant? I'm on 3.10 and don't see it... could be I need to apply the patch: patch_no_mans_sky_3.10_NextGeneration_65644_(42615)_to_Experimental_66033_(42974)
Not sure if there is much in that 20mb patch though.

They look pretty cool .. see pic:
Jentuncegs: Hi! When playing NMS, Galaxy is active in order to provide MP, but I do not start NMS from within it, I start NMS from Windows Explorer, is that what you mean?
Yes, I do have the Mud Hut. Origins Update v 3.00 23 Sept. 2020

EDIT: Ooops, our posts crossed mid-air :) Pretty they are, thanks ---- I never had used them before!!

Johntodd: HELLO ... HELLo ... HELlo ... HEllo ... Hello ... hello ...

Is there anybody in here?

Just nod if you can hear me.
Jentuncegs: I recently tried to join your game while nodding, and nodding, and nodding ... At times, something seems wrong with my Internet access. No fun playing MP. :/
Interesting - I can"t see the newest Quicksilver items they mention here: [url=][/url] and I'm on 3.10

I only use the offline game install files and don't do multi-player. I only play single player and in creative mode. Trying to stay away from GOG Galaxy. Maybe I have to install GOG Galaxy and be online to get the latest items..

Thanks for replying,
If you use Galaxy, you can have Galaxy verify/audio the game files. I find that solves a lot of problems.

If you don't then perhaps uninstall and re-install?
I have made it to GoG-83, planet Iraksh, in PermaDeath mode.

All discoveries seem to be intact!

I have established a beach head, and tomorrow will construct a proper facility. Anyone wanting to use it, come on by!

BTW, PD is a totally new game when you can actually die!

I have copied my New Tranquility Main Base into my PD save, GoG-83, planet Iraksh. The terrain is basically the same in both universes, so I was able to make it work after 4 attempts.

That particular base is the one made mostly of glass, split-level, and is the one on Iraksh that is snuggled up under the cave opening, with the landing pads above ground.

And it even has power! EM hotspots are in the same place too!

The slight terrain differences were dealt with with the Terrain Manipulator in about 20 seconds.

Start a PD save and portal on over to GoG Space! It already exists in PermaDeath mode! And since portal interference has been lifted, you can portal over, call your freighter, and start building a base right away.

My base is fully equipped for you to use as you want.

Your loving Ambassador;

PS: If starting a new PD save, you just need to get to the part where you have the glyphs and can use portals. You can finish all the storylines in GoG Space later if you wish.
Post edited January 21, 2021 by Johntodd
A new planet has been discovered that is quite lovely and unique.

It is a paradise planet with white grass, no storms, and minor sentinels!

Come and build a base! Glyphs in the screenshot.

Also my base is at the portal. Feel free to use the facilities there.

This is in EISSENTAM.
Post edited February 11, 2021 by Johntodd
Alas, I've made another base!

It's called "Relaxation Cay", and is on a very nice planet. It's not done yet, but feel free to come poking around and give me some ideas.

EISSENTAM, gkyphs in the screenshot.

456.jpg (36 Kb)
Johntodd: Alas, I've made another base!

It's called "Relaxation Cay", and is on a very nice planet. It's not done yet, but feel free to come poking around and give me some ideas.

EISSENTAM, gkyphs in the screenshot.

Hey John, nice to see that you are still goginizing space :)

I'm curious about how you manage to build so much bases with limited baseparts. Do you have to delete older bases? Or are you building with different savegames (like Nob does)? Did they change the limit?
I've made a new base called Sacrifice Hall.
Be sure to empty your pockets before you enter....You may not be leaving with your inventory.
Post edited February 17, 2021 by Kymberly
If anyone is interested, I found a crashed bubble exotic ship. So if your in the mood for a small round bubble ship follow the glyphs on the photo. Oh yeah I built a repair station around it.
Post edited February 17, 2021 by Kymberly
I have deleted old bases to make more room.
..BEEP.. .. .. ..BEEP.. ..

I had a system failure (games's data files weren't in the backup plan).

I'm now on my way back to the center of Euclid -- ahem ... actually, I already have build my first wooden hut xD

See you in a decade ot two ..

Love, Jen.
Jentuncegs: ..BEEP.. .. .. ..BEEP.. ..

Love, Jen.
Oh No!

Well, the link below are the glyphs for Gogus Prime.

Also, you can use my main base in GoG83, planet Iraksh. All storage is there, refiners, carbon planters, antimatter gennies, geobays, etc. You've been there before; but come on by and make use of the facilities.
Post edited March 01, 2021 by Johntodd
Johntodd: Well, the link below are the glyphs for Gogus Prime.

Also, you can use my main base in GoG83, planet Iraksh. All storage is there, refiners, carbon planters, antimatter gennies, geobays, etc. You've been there before; but come on by and make use of the facilities.
Thanks, John! I will put all this to good use!
Turns out, all things cyberspace have went down at ours...
See you! Miss you all and your merry company!
( Wow, first stable Internet access for days. :)
Johntodd: Well, the link below are the glyphs for Gogus Prime.

Also, you can use my main base in GoG83, planet Iraksh. All storage is there, refiners, carbon planters, antimatter gennies, geobays, etc. You've been there before; but come on by and make use of the facilities.
Jentuncegs: Thanks, John! I will put all this to good use!
Turns out, all things cyberspace have went down at ours...
See you! Miss you all and your merry company!
( Wow, first stable Internet access for days. :)
So where are you now?
Good luck to you, Jentuncegs!

For future reference, the No Man's Sky save files are located in,


Mine is only about 17MB, so I imagine a huge one would still plenty small enough to copy onto a USB stick. I have in the past replaced the NMS folder with an older version and it worked without a hitch.