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DysDaemoN: [...] but also to warn you about his credibility :D
Credibility was not a condition of employment for our ambassador. We searched in the job ad for someone who could talk all four legs off an Arcturan Megadonkey and persuade it to go for a walk afterwards!
DysDaemoN: [...] but also to warn you about his credibility :D
rostfreyh: Credibility was not a condition of employment for our ambassador. We searched in the job ad for someone who could talk all four legs off an Arcturan Megadonkey and persuade it to go for a walk afterwards!
Just be glad the Arcturan Megadonkey was not catholic, as i'm sure it would have been persuaded to eat your ambassador's face off instead, after listening to his un-diplomatic imaginary-theology-degree-powered BS :D
So what happened was this: in-game, Dys, Kym, and myself were on this cool planet in Sudzerbal.

At a certain point, Dys literally asked, let me say that again, he LITERALLY asked for someone to say something that would get him riled up.

So I told him I'm a Trump supporter, the globalism = global slavery, and Catholics are not Christians.

He's been all riled up ever since! I don't think I've ever seen him happier! LOL!
So, say it clearly then: do you regard Catholics as Christians, or not?

I promised to you, if u recall, that i would make u retract ur insulting and ignorant statement, that Catholics are not Christians.

So far, you have been avoiding the subject.

And here is the proof:
Post edited June 20, 2020 by DysDaemoN
I've got a base in GoG-93 Dumas with a church of the only real religion. Go there and regret your sins!
rostfreyh: I've got a base in GoG-93 Dumas with a church of the only real religion. Go there and regret your sins!
Dead wrong. On [GoG-05] New Egyepti, there's the temple of the one-and-only really real religion. Visit the seminar room located nearby to learn all about why it is and the others are not. And yes, do regret your sins!
It's so funny.

When steering my exo to a target, say, a knowledge stone, I'm always halting to the right of it, getting out, going around the vehicle to the other side in order to check out the stone while thinking, "Dammit, H.G. are British, therefore the driver's door opens to the wrong side. Next time I'll remember!"

I never do.

- - -
Yeah, also funny: I played Oblivion a little bit. 20 seconds in game I died when jumping from the bridge connecting the Imperial City with the Arcane University: my jetpack malfunctioned.
Post edited June 20, 2020 by Jentuncegs
Hello all GOG-friends and nms-players:

NMS is the best game ever - I want to give many positv energy here in this forum too.

We are all galactic explorers, have built so many bases with different style and - sometime - secret rooms :D ..

So, we are a wonderful family of players - don't be angry about some differents, thats normal in a family ;) - let us play together with friendship, respect and looking forward for further updates from Hello Games. I'm sure. they are all proud of our GOG-NMS-Civilized space!

Many greetings!
Is spoon-feeding bullsh1t normal in a family? Certainly not in mine, Nob.

Ofc this is the Internet, and anyone is free to claim anything. But when they say something so mind-bendingly stupid (theology-degree holder claiming catholics not to be christians), then its disrespecting your intelligence.

Then its time to react.
"I’m not the Messiah!“ - "I say you are, Lord, and I should know. I’ve followed a few..."
rostfreyh: "I’m not the Messiah!“ - "I say you are, Lord, and I should know. I’ve followed a few..."
-"Sir, are you a Catholic?"
-"Yes, sir :D."
-"Then, by my Theology Degree, thou art NOT a Christian!"
-"What?!?... How dare you question my faith to Lord Christ?"
-"... ok, let's agree to disagree then!"

Logic(?) of JohnTodd, teh gr34t theologist!
Religion and logic? In a gaming forum? Interesting approach... ;)

Didn't that Jesus buddy propagate to be nice to each other? Reading your dispute that christian thingy seems to be complicated...

I think I do have a solution for you: You both convert to the church of flying spaghetti monster and build a giant monument for FSM together! In NMS! So maybe we could return to gaming :)
rostfreyh: Religion and logic? In a gaming forum? Interesting approach... ;)

Didn't that Jesus buddy propagate to be nice to each other? Reading your dispute that christian thingy seems to be complicated...

I think I do have a solution for you: You both convert to the church of flying spaghetti monster and build a giant monument for FSM together! In NMS! So maybe we could return to gaming :)
Dont get me wrong, I'm not a religious person myself. I just have an aversion to bullsh1t, that's all.

EDIT: I had not realised my posts here were so powerful as to have kept u from returning to gaming :P Please forgive me, for that was not my intention.

By the Grace of the Atlas, thou art released!
Post edited June 30, 2020 by DysDaemoN
DysDaemoN: [...]

EDIT: I had not realised my posts here were so powerful as to have kept u from returning to gaming :P Please forgive me, for that was not my intention.

By the Grace of the Atlas, thou art released!
Phew... thanks! I couldn't resist sitting here, eating popcorn and waiting for you finally end the schism!
DysDaemoN: [...]

EDIT: I had not realised my posts here were so powerful as to have kept u from returning to gaming :P Please forgive me, for that was not my intention.

By the Grace of the Atlas, thou art released!
rostfreyh: Phew... thanks! I couldn't resist sitting here, eating popcorn and waiting for you finally end the schism!
Yes, again please forgive my recklesness, for i had forgotten how binding teh Atlas-powered Voice of Reason can be! I should include the above release chant in my signature from now on!