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(Please notice the updates down the post and see also our --> G.O.G. Wiki for further information!)

Anyone interestet in claiming a few systems for [GOG] (Good old ... galaxy)? Just to have one more place to visit. Or a place for one more base... Maybe interesting for new players, too. Or for sharing ressources. Whatever.
We could try to agree on a spot in galaxy and build a few bases. It would be possible to travel there the good old way, with portals for a short trip or in multiyplayer.
I'd propose a place in Euclid near the outer circle (EDIT: We decided to settle near the center later on), normal mode. Maybe a Capital-planet (where we invite a steam ambassador whom we could expel from time to time just for fun)?
Experienced players could help new players getting there.

*** UPDATE September 22, 2019 ***

We finaly went ashore! See attachment for more information about the chosen system (copyright by CyberNek - Thank you again!)
All credits go to CyberNek for finding this lovely place and Faust_3D for naming the planets. The system now is called:
[GOG-87] - Omning Lidkorjah, there are first settlers on Gogus Prime (Planet N1 in attachment). It's near the center of the galaxy (Euclid). Everyone's welcome! The glactic adress: 07FD:0083:07F3:0187

*** UPDATE October 8, 2019 ***

-- Please don't build closer than 1000u to any other base.
-- If you want to add systems to [GoG]inized space please name star systems you discover around GOG-87 like '[GOG-##] - Name-of-your-choice-here' (## is last two numbers of planet coordinates: 07FD:0083:07F3:01##)
-- Please don't steal Jentuncegs' eggs (optional).

*** UPDATE November 8, 2019 ***

Goginized space isn't limited to one star system anymore for some while. Look at the star systems arround and you will find many playerbases! While [GOG-87] is still the main system there should also be mentionend [GOG-93] Dumas (07FD:0082:07F3:0193) and [GOG-83] Saokaiwa (07FD:0083:07F3:0183) as some kind of 'main systems'. (New) settlers who are experiencing issues with somewhat overcrowded [GOG-87] O.L. (long loading/saving times, big savegame files) might prefer those places where also other players can be met. See also --> GoGinized Space Wiki for more information about goginized star systems!
Post edited November 08, 2019 by rostfreyh
rostfreyh: Anyone interestet in claiming a few systems for [GOG] (Good old ... galaxy)? Just to have one more place to visit. Or a place for one more base... Maybe interesting for new players, too. Or for sharing ressources. Whatever.

We could try to agree on a spot in galaxy and build a few bases. It would be possible to travel there the good old way, with portals for a short trip or in multiyplayer.

I'd propose a place in Euclid near the outer circle (easier to reach for beginners), normal mode. Maybe a Capital-planet (where we invite a steam ambassador whom we could expel from time to time just for fun)?

Experienced players could help new players getting there.
Good idea. Not sure that the outer rim is the best place, though. It's true that new spawns tend to be (or are always?) on or near a ring about 720 KU from the center but that puts some players far away if they're on the other side of the galaxy. Something near to the center but not too close to other civilizations, perhaps?

For new Travelers, there is a galactic routing app at the Pilgrim's Star page and an explanation of mapping Signal Booster coordinates to galactic location Signal booster addresses can be converted to Portal addresses here.
Post edited September 12, 2019 by dashiichi
Sounds interesting.
I think the place closer to galactic center is better. Maybe it's more inhabited than the outer lands. Moreover, it allows to jump into second galaxy.
New players could get there by Nexus or by joining friend's game. The way with calculating coordinates and flying through half of galaxy may be hard for some people. And, sadly, portals will not allow them to settle in new place.
So, i'm waiting for a decision about certain star system :) . I can't offer the one soon, because I just completed story quests two days ago, and jumped into galaxy N7. My old base is still in outer lands of the galaxy N1.
Sounds good. I thought with black hole travels it would be easier (faster) for new players to reach a place in outer rim. But you are right. Center is ... eh... more in the center :) And I forgot about the Nexus as additional way to travel fast to other players.

I've got a base near the center in Euclid if anyone needs a lift.
rostfreyh: Sounds good. I thought with black hole travels it would be easier (faster) for new players to reach a place in outer rim. But you are right. Center is ... eh... more in the center :) And I forgot about the Nexus as additional way to travel fast to other players.

I've got a base near the center in Euclid if anyone needs a lift.
Coordinates? Or coordinates to a nearby system if you don't want to invite the barbarians in for tea and biscuits. ;-)

In my current Euclid save I started from the initial planet and then headed out to the rim but I still have teleport targets that are only 719 KU from the center. Now that I've tagged the fringe of the galaxy maybe it is time to head in towards more populated regions.
rostfreyh: [...] I've got a base near the center in Euclid if anyone needs a lift.
dashiichi: Coordinates? Or coordinates to a nearby system if you don't want to invite the barbarians in for tea and biscuits. ;-)

07FF:0083:07F7:004E ... should be the Base. Barbarians welcome, too! (please bring your own biscuits)

I'm a little bit short on time next two days for seeking a better location. But fellow CyberNek jumped in yesterday via Multiplayer and built a base nearby. He set off for a nice system (yellow star, 3-star-economy, tamed sentinels, WLAN (!) ...) to start the goginization of space.

I could feel his energy (even the electric power of my base went off when he was near) and I still remember his facial expression when he climbed in his explorer (something like: 'It's a small step for ...') ;-)

So I'm confident of having a good location soon.
I've attached two small maps of the center with civilisations found at NoMansSky Gamepedia ( I'm not allowed to post links yet.. don't know why, maybe because post counter is still low ) . To find out where we are and where are others. Galaxy Center is in the center of maps.
Colored points are locations of civilisations capital systems with names of civilisations. Capital system name placed in brackets. Color shows platform.
Yellow bar in the left bottom part shows approximate range of 1000 light years on the galactic horisontal plane (XZ). Oh, Axis color shows its name: RGB = XYZ.
White lines on the Isometric View below or above the capital system shows its offset from the galactic horisontal plane (XZ).
RAIN civ. system is located right below our current location, so it can't be seen on the Top View image. But Isometric View shows its location.
Guardians of the Atlas capital system is unknown. According to information from gamepedia, they started to search their system just few days ago.
Post edited September 13, 2019 by CyberNek
CyberNek: [...]
This neighbours never said hello to me! It's really hard to say if there are other villages nearby. I jumped arround a lot near this mentioned base and never ran into tribal lands.

Well, maybe we should look in direction 'north-west'? About 15-25k from center perhaps?
dashiichi: Coordinates? Or coordinates to a nearby system if you don't want to invite the barbarians in for tea and biscuits. ;-)

rostfreyh: 07FF:0083:07F7:004E ... should be the Base. Barbarians welcome, too! (please bring your own biscuits)

I'm a little bit short on time next two days for seeking a better location. But fellow CyberNek jumped in yesterday via Multiplayer and built a base nearby. He set off for a nice system (yellow star, 3-star-economy, tamed sentinels, WLAN (!) ...) to start the goginization of space.

I could feel his energy (even the electric power of my base went off when he was near) and I still remember his facial expression when he climbed in his explorer (something like: 'It's a small step for ...') ;-)

So I'm confident of having a good location soon.
Headed that way now. It's going to take a few jumps, though, even with a decent exotic. Maybe I should finally locate an S-class explorer. ;-)
I am game. I suggested this some time ago. If we play MP we can join your game and "give each other a ride" to the location.
Post edited September 13, 2019 by Faust_3D
Faust_3D: I am game. I suggested this some time ago. If we play MP we can join your game and "give each other a ride" to the location.
Whatever we're up to, I'm interested in what rostfreyh so distinctly (and creatively) termed 'Goginization' of space. Last but not least, since I do have a Normal mode save rather by accident now thanks to you, Faust_3D :)


Also, by the same accident, I have a base in Eissentam (another first for me) without having one in Euclid, yet -- that might open us up to some interesting experiments.

I'm currently busying myself with getting up to speed in Eissentam. I allready fetched a proper Explorer (Normal mode stack sizes help a lot, if you're 'on-target' :] ), and am now en-route to have a maximum jump range freighter handed to me (and collecting glyphs).
Post edited September 14, 2019 by ksj8ak2
I found Oxalis civilisation star systems. But can not see any sign of their presence. I saw only text-marker on one planet in capital system. It is created by Communication Station. But when I landed near it, it was nothing there. It only shows message "Port of Oxalis", but not any buildings nor the Commmunication Station itself, has not been found. Only message marker at empty land.
Coordinates of marker: system "Lianke" (0804:0079:07FD:013A), planet "Ichih 76/V7", coordinates [+11,-98].
I built outpost in the star system nearby to have quick access to their lands.
As for going north-west to 15-25k ly... i don't know... for me It really does not matter. Just to imagine that range, Empire of Phantomium Marxium is at 12k ly from the center. You can find it on the map.
S class explorer with big inventory named "Andaba's Defeat", according to, can be found in the system with portal coordinates: 220B05BF3BB1. You can find information about this explorer on gamepedia. I was in this system, but was not lucky :).
Post edited September 14, 2019 by CyberNek
Great. Let's go. If anyone finds a nice system just name it with something gogy and we'll show the universe that we are indeed able to create civilzed space - regardless what our forum looks like!

I think it even doesn't have to be this super best system. Just a starting point where interested ladies and gentlemen can go to. If we once find something better we still could expand.

If anyone needs a ride you can add me to your list. (But I'm away from keyboard until sunday evening (UTC+2h)).
I will be on a look out for a nice plants with cool animals (diplos etc). If you guys like it we can make it our Gogus Prime or something like that, and chart space around it.

We can also setup Discord, if this forum is too clunky.
Post edited September 15, 2019 by Faust_3D
I'm in!

Thanks to Faust for showing me this thread!