Posted July 18, 2020

All the lonely people...
Registered: Jun 2012
From Russian Federation

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Registered: Mar 2012
From Australia
Posted July 19, 2020
Damn - I really should spend more time in the forums.... I downloaded the 2.55 update and installed that only recently and then began the rather painful process of starting the game from scratch because I didn't seem to be connecting with the living ship storyline. This morning I discovered the new 2.60 update so checked it out on the Hello Games website and thought it sounded so good I downloaded and installed that manually straight away (inadvertently deleting my current game - Doh!) only to find that it doesn't work as per what others have already said. As soon as you try to start a game it crashes.
I've always appreciated that this game would run offline because I don't have a permanent internet connection at my place and as one of the newly unemployed I'm not likely to get it any time soon. To use the internet I have to tether my computer to my phone and I have a monthly limit so I won't be reinstalling NMS via Galaxy this month.
Looks like those of us who aren't interested in or can't take advantage of the online experience are getting left behind by GoG. Thanks to others for posting useful info about the way things are around here....
I've always appreciated that this game would run offline because I don't have a permanent internet connection at my place and as one of the newly unemployed I'm not likely to get it any time soon. To use the internet I have to tether my computer to my phone and I have a monthly limit so I won't be reinstalling NMS via Galaxy this month.
Looks like those of us who aren't interested in or can't take advantage of the online experience are getting left behind by GoG. Thanks to others for posting useful info about the way things are around here....

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Registered: Nov 2014
From United States
Posted July 19, 2020

If you don't get this window, then you may still have online connectivity for your discoveries etc. but you may have limited access to Nexus missions or other MP features.
What I do is downloading and installing the offline backup installers (from the website in my account), then I launch GoG Galaxy, then I launch game. I get the window above and all is alright, I get the Community Missions, I get the option to buy the Void Egg at the vendor in the Anomaly, I think that's how you start the Living Ship thing if I'm not wrong.
I hope this insight helps you,

The point is, for those of us who bought a Single Player game, Pre-ordered back in 2016, when the GOG Website advertised the game as a Single player game which did not need GOG Galaxy installed to play it .. That is what we invested in. And we expect to be able to play content which does not require online connectivity, just like everyone else can.
Well done to Hellogames for all the Multiplayer / VR additions since for those who want it.
But the content of a major update (Living ships) is effectively cut off to us Offline players, purely because we do not wish to use GOG Galaxy.
However the Living ships story is perfectly playable without being online or using the Galaxy client .. Except for one minor oversight, Hellogames does not include a Void Egg in the Exotic Items shop for us to be able to participate.
Note I have during one play through allowed GOG Galaxy to enable all the extra items in the shop, just to get the void egg in my save game, and thereafter played the entire storyline through without GOG Galaxy running. So the Living ships storyline does not require us to have online connectivity, it is only currently required to make the Void egg appear in the shop.
It would be so easy for them to correct and enable offline players to participate in the living ships storyline, just by enabling the Void egg as a default item, but so far they have not.
So we are forced to use GOG Galaxy if we want to play all storyline content in the game, which we should not have to do.
(Similarly, we should not have to use a third party save editor tool to enable it either).
That is why I keep testing each new update to see if they have finally included a Void egg in the shop for us Offline players.
I presume we can discuss anything related to the "Desolation Update" in this topic.

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Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted July 19, 2020
I get a CTD as soon as I try to load a save game or try to start a new game. I do not have Galaxy installed.
Post edited July 19, 2020 by Noishkel

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Registered: May 2016
From United Kingdom
Posted July 19, 2020

Did something besides 'Void egg' is unawailable for offline users ?
What about 'Desolation' features?
Really don't like Lens flare in game, wish we could turn that off. I guess it will be good for the reddit screenshot brigade, but for immersion my eyes don't act like a camera RL so I prefer not to have lens flare imposed on my 1st person views in game.
There is an annoying thing in the Desolation Update - The new Scrap merchant in Space Stations, to use him you need 5 million credits. Every time you go to a new station there is an annoying notification advertising the fact that there is a Scrap merchant available. I'm guessing (or rather hoping) after you have paid him the first time that notification will go away .. But its like a petulant child pointing at a toy it wants all the time and wailing until you do.

Even if GOG had received any updated files from Hellogames .. GOG do not work weekends.
Post edited July 19, 2020 by alt3rn1ty

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Registered: Sep 2016
From Italy
Posted July 20, 2020

After installing GG, simply launch it, then launch NMS with the game icon, that's it.
Not doing so will NOT give you all the NMS online features.

New User
Registered: Nov 2014
From United States
Posted July 20, 2020

After installing GG, simply launch it, then launch NMS with the game icon, that's it.
Not doing so will NOT give you all the NMS online features.

New User
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted July 20, 2020

After installing GG, simply launch it, then launch NMS with the game icon, that's it.
Not doing so will NOT give you all the NMS online features.

Post edited July 20, 2020 by Noishkel

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Registered: May 2016
From United Kingdom

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Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted July 23, 2020

All the lonely people...
Registered: Jun 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted July 23, 2020
Can confirm.
Offline installers are all fine now.
Offline installers are all fine now.

New User
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted July 23, 2020
How do I tell which version I have, if I have the latest patch? Or which version I have for that matter.
Post edited July 23, 2020 by adabo

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Registered: Sep 2016
From Italy

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