My experience with the boltcaster was, that the moment I added an upgrade adding ricochet, the shots would simply bounce off of reinforced steel doors. I consider this to be a bug.
Adding to dashiichis good advise about the plasma launcher, it really does absolutely insane damage. I am able to take down a walker with a few well aimed shots with an all S Class upgrade setup.
And besides the geology canon it really is the best weapon for accidentially killing yourself by blowing your feet off.
Also, the grenades can bounce back, if an upgrade provides for that functionality (does damage to doors, nonetheless, when properly aimed). Which makes for great fun.
I use a combination of the plasma launcher and the blaze javelin. I've never used the blaze javelin before NEXT, so I don't know, if it always was as powerful as now, but I am able to one-shot the armored sentinels, provided I manage to hit them precisely in the center of their glowing eye -- but maybe it's just some critical hit chance (again, using S Class upgrades and the C class Mass Accellerator).
Also, the blaze javelin is great for longer range shots, and easily recharged with (condensed) carbon, instead of requiring pre-fabricated ammunition. Drawback is, that currently neither the combat scope and the blaze javelin can't be used at the same time, nor any other secondary weapon I've tried.
And it need's time to charge up for powerful shots, so you need to try and keep a little distance between the thugs and yourself. But when you plan on using the plasma launcher, keeping your distance really should become a habit, anyway. As should looking up into the skies, before right-clicking yoiur way out of menues, if you didn't remap the secondary weapon to another key :o)
Post edited August 17, 2018 by ksj8ak2