alt3rn1ty: 2.24 offline backup installers also released, Santa Sean is leaving no chance for Grinches to develop :)
(well, apart from those of us who want to run the game 1360 x 768
without missing Stats and off centred enemy Damage bars)
AlpakaDream: Does that:
"Fixed a number of issues with warning arrows and health bars in non-HD resolutions."
also fixes the off centred enemy health bars for you?
No, I tested with the most recent update. The only way to solve it is run in 1600 x 900 or above, which is crap, I have bad eyesight which is helped if I have a lower resolution desktop with bigger icons and labels, coincidentally running games in the same screen res is better for performance, and you do not get any auto window resizing as you change between desktop and game screen if they are both the same res = My ideal all round for everything is 1360 x 768, unfortunately since Beyond hit the streets this screen resolution is now problematic as previously described.