Liquefaction: Hello. I'm trying to figure out how to use the tool set with the help thingy that came with the game but the version appears to differ to that the help thingy talks about and when I click on the creature icon to place a lizard man warrior there are no creatures to choose from. Please help. I'm running the latest version of windows 8 and there seems to be several never winter nights folders placed throughout my computer, one of them is full of folders but it appears there's no actual content in the folders.
I will preface this by saying I AM NOT A WINDOWS 8 USER. I have been using the NWN TOOLSET since the game came out, however, and I'm willing to try to help you work through your dilemma.
Typically, to place a creature, you click the creatures button in the upper right corner of the interface then select the creature's category (example OPEN A MODULE, OPEN AN AREA WHERE YOU WISH TO PLACE A CREATURE, next click CREATURES button, click STANDARD button, select category 'Animals' subcategory 'Bears', then select 'Black Bear', now click on your map where you wish the creature to be located. This should complete the process. Let me know if it fails at any stage and we'll address any further issues from there.
Hope this helps.
Be well. Game on.