What amazes me is I hear people say that PC gaming is dead. Or isn't like "it used to be." Or that PC gaming is just another form of console now. Or they have to dumb down their games for consoles, etc.
My arguement is that PC gaming is alive and well and has the usual good game to bad game ratio it has always had - gaming is just a bigger market then it used to be.
Dragon Age is an awesome PC style game - even comes with a great toolset to make more games with. It's been out a little over a year and Dragon Age 2 is coming out in Jan. I can see *why* they made the attempt to focus DA2 with that console feel - DA:O sitll has years and years of use left in it. Judging from NWN 1 and 2, the DA:O community will be around for at *least* 8 years.
Also the PC haven't just been the bastion of good RPG games, it is the place where games like Call of Duty, the Battlefield Series, and other franchises started. The gameplay in those games have not changed very much on the transtion to consoles. In fact, outside of Modern Warefare 2, PC gamers tend to be treated better then their console counterparts. The games tend to be cheaper, the DLC tends to be cheaper (Which, to be quite honest, I've seen expansion packs for PC games with less in them then many pieces of DLC.) and quite often level editors and the like are given to us.
Let's not forget the Indie game scene. How many cool independent games have come out in the last 5 years? Many of them have made an apperance on consoles, true, but many times it is only after having the game released on PC's to wide acclaim, most of the time for *free.*
I'll be honest, Sometimes i think PC gamers sound like spoiled elitist snobs. We have one of the most robust and active open platforms ever, a platform that always seems to be *dead* yet never really dies, and we whine about how gaming used to be? Despite all evidence to the contrary that games with those types of sensibilities we pine for still exist.
I love good old games, or else I woudln't be on this site. But we shouldn't use our love for older games to ferment disdain for anything new. So what, a sequel to a game didn't live up to your memories of the previous one? Welcome to to life. That has been happening as long as gaming has been out (and movies, and books, and music...) Heck I bet the people that Loved Oedipus Rex hated Oedipus at Colonus. They probably went to the forums of Athens and were like "OMG it sukz LOL!" when describing it.
The thing is games like Dragon Age origins and Fallout 3 have brought in more people to the fold. They have asked "What do you mean by "LIke Baldur's Gate?" or "Fallout 3? What are the first two like?" This has lead to sites like this getting people to play the older games. So don't begrudge the sequels just because they may not live up to what you want them to be. At the very least they will get people thinking about the games that spawned them.
And you hate how things are going? Look on the internet - I'm sure you can find someone, some where, making an old school type game that you'll love.
LIke this:
Click here That is what is really cool about the PC platform. It's open and anyone, at any time, can start up making games and release it. So if you hate how games are going? Make one yourself like you want it to be. I'm sure it'll find an audience if it is good enough.