Posted February 18, 2013

Dji Cantos
Registered: Nov 2010
From Germany

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From Canada
Posted February 18, 2013
Be careful to distinguish between skill ranks and your skill value. Items, feats, and ability score bonus will not count towards skill ranks and help you qualify for prestige classes. In many cases, skill ranks are used as a way to enforce a minimum level restriction on prestige classes, so you're not meant to be able to bypass the restriction. Since your maximum possible skill rank in any one skill is based on your character level (3 + character level, to be precise), it's impossible to get around.
The prestige class requirements for base attack bonus, skill ranks, and spellcasting level cannot be circumvented. For many other requirements, however, there are ways to meet the requirements somewhat creatively. For instance, normally you'd need three levels of rogue to access arcane trickster, but it's also possible to qualify with one level of rogue and one level of shadow thief (two levels total).
The prestige class requirements for base attack bonus, skill ranks, and spellcasting level cannot be circumvented. For many other requirements, however, there are ways to meet the requirements somewhat creatively. For instance, normally you'd need three levels of rogue to access arcane trickster, but it's also possible to qualify with one level of rogue and one level of shadow thief (two levels total).

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From Germany
Posted February 27, 2013
I have some new questions
The first ones are about stacking.
I mean, you get a higher value when you wear several items/use spells that increase the same thing.
Not stacking means, only the item/spell that causes the highest increase counts.
The game menual says, that is sometimes different than in the original rules.
Armor class:
There are the following armor classes:
-natural, armor, deflection, dodge and dex (+int for some classes) modifier
Only dodge stacks.
Ability scores (str, dex, . . .):
Do not stack, no matter if you use items, spells or abilities (like berserker rage)
Items that increase skills stack
saving throws:
I am not sure, Sometimes i have the feeling it does, sometimes not
attac bonus:
no idea, never used several spells that increase this at one time (or I didnt look to the character screen when I did)
anything else that stacks?
The next questions are about spells where something is written about touch attac or ranged touch attac
Touch attac means, the caster makes a melee attac and when it hits, the spell effect works, right?
Does equipping a magic weapon increase the chance of succes?
Ranged touch attac means, the caster tries to hit the enemy as if he was using a crossbow, and when he hits the spell works. is that true?
I was thinking, that a warlocks standatd attac (eldritch blast) is a ranged attac and since pure casters are usually bad fighters, their hit chances will be bad.
I am still playing the original campaign, but it fits to this topic.
In storm of zephir you can create the whole party.
Do alignment changes count for every char seperatly?
Otherwise it would be impossible to have a paladin and a bard in the same group
When these (and maybe some more) questions are answered, I want to write some advice about character creation for beginners. I was quite overwelmed when I started playing, even though I have played lots of other rpg before. Having a good char makes this game much easier. I want to write in an understandeble way from a beginner for beginners, because these forums are sometimes hard to understand with all of these abriviations.
The first ones are about stacking.
I mean, you get a higher value when you wear several items/use spells that increase the same thing.
Not stacking means, only the item/spell that causes the highest increase counts.
The game menual says, that is sometimes different than in the original rules.
Armor class:
There are the following armor classes:
-natural, armor, deflection, dodge and dex (+int for some classes) modifier
Only dodge stacks.
Ability scores (str, dex, . . .):
Do not stack, no matter if you use items, spells or abilities (like berserker rage)
Items that increase skills stack
saving throws:
I am not sure, Sometimes i have the feeling it does, sometimes not
attac bonus:
no idea, never used several spells that increase this at one time (or I didnt look to the character screen when I did)
anything else that stacks?
The next questions are about spells where something is written about touch attac or ranged touch attac
Touch attac means, the caster makes a melee attac and when it hits, the spell effect works, right?
Does equipping a magic weapon increase the chance of succes?
Ranged touch attac means, the caster tries to hit the enemy as if he was using a crossbow, and when he hits the spell works. is that true?
I was thinking, that a warlocks standatd attac (eldritch blast) is a ranged attac and since pure casters are usually bad fighters, their hit chances will be bad.
I am still playing the original campaign, but it fits to this topic.
In storm of zephir you can create the whole party.
Do alignment changes count for every char seperatly?
Otherwise it would be impossible to have a paladin and a bard in the same group
When these (and maybe some more) questions are answered, I want to write some advice about character creation for beginners. I was quite overwelmed when I started playing, even though I have played lots of other rpg before. Having a good char makes this game much easier. I want to write in an understandeble way from a beginner for beginners, because these forums are sometimes hard to understand with all of these abriviations.

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From Germany
Posted February 27, 2013
Sorry, I have forgotten something
next question:
assuming you have the following situation:
- your character can make a sneak attac and has greater cleave
-There are several enemies close to each other
-The enemies attac something that is not you and they are not crit immun (= you can sneak attac them)
If you kill one of them with a sneak attac, do you do sneak attac damage bonus against the others as well, when greater cleave is automatically used?
next question:
assuming you have the following situation:
- your character can make a sneak attac and has greater cleave
-There are several enemies close to each other
-The enemies attac something that is not you and they are not crit immun (= you can sneak attac them)
If you kill one of them with a sneak attac, do you do sneak attac damage bonus against the others as well, when greater cleave is automatically used?

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From Canada
Posted February 27, 2013
I mean, you get a higher value when you wear several items/use spells that increase the same thing.
Not stacking means, only the item/spell that causes the highest increase counts.
The game menual says, that is sometimes different than in the original rules.
Yes, stacking can be a little hard to follow in the NWN series. It's not consistent between NWN1 and NWN2, and it's not consistent with the actual pen and paper rules either. Definitely one of the nastier places. Not stacking means, only the item/spell that causes the highest increase counts.
The game menual says, that is sometimes different than in the original rules.
Generally speaking in NWN1 stuff will stack unless you find something that says otherwise. In NWN2, stuff will not stack unless specifically stated otherwise. Ultimately you'll have to experiment to find out for sure. Because the series isn't even consistent with itself, I always have trouble remembering what does and doesn't stack.
Touch attac means, the caster makes a melee attac and when it hits, the spell effect works, right?
Does equipping a magic weapon increase the chance of succes?
This is correct, you must succeed on an attack roll to "hit" the target or else the spell fails. No, a magic weapon should not grant a bonus on touch attacks (since the touch attack is itself considered a completely separate weapon). Keep in mind that most types of armor do not work against touch attacks, so it's generally a lot easier to hit targets with a touch attack than a regular attack. Many enemies have absolutely atrocious touch AC's, to the point at which you'll only ever miss on a roll of 1. Does equipping a magic weapon increase the chance of succes?
Ranged touch attac means, the caster tries to hit the enemy as if he was using a crossbow, and when he hits the spell works. is that true?
I was thinking, that a warlocks standatd attac (eldritch blast) is a ranged attac and since pure casters are usually bad fighters, their hit chances will be bad.
No, it's not like a crossbow. A crossbow must pierce a target's normal AC, whereas a touch attack gets to ignore most types of armor, and will have a significantly better chance of hitting.I was thinking, that a warlocks standatd attac (eldritch blast) is a ranged attac and since pure casters are usually bad fighters, their hit chances will be bad.

Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted February 27, 2013
In Storm of Zehir, there are almost no alignment shifts. There were supposed to be none at all, from interviews, but I saw two. Instead, your alignment is one of the many things that determines which dialogue options are available for a character in your party to say.

A1 Antagonist
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From Germany
Posted February 28, 2013
Thanks everyone.
Thats exactly what I wanted to know.
just two comments:
-If I ever make a warrior/thief combination, I call him "stealth bomber"
-(*crying like a baby)
This is not fair. I thought my barbarien/dwarven defender wearing heavy adamantite armor and shield,
encanted with damage reduction and having someone cast stoneskin on him is invulnerable.
Thats exactly what I wanted to know.
just two comments:
-If I ever make a warrior/thief combination, I call him "stealth bomber"
-(*crying like a baby)
This is not fair. I thought my barbarien/dwarven defender wearing heavy adamantite armor and shield,
encanted with damage reduction and having someone cast stoneskin on him is invulnerable.

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada

A1 Antagonist
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted February 28, 2013
Yep, quite a few details were changed between NWN1 and NWN2 (such as ability bonuses stacking in NWN1), including dropping the cap on skill bonuses from equipment/spells from +50 to +20.

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted February 28, 2013
Cool, thanks for the clarification. I remembered the ability bonus stacking being changed, but had forgotten about the skill bonuses.

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From Germany
Posted March 07, 2013
After lots of thinking I had some strange ideas.
Here are my newest questions:
-You can do sneak attacs with every weapon and even unarmed, right?
I had the insane idea (from a role playing point of view) to have a monk/paladin/rogue
Imagine the following situation:
A naked man jumps from behind a bush and says:
"Hello everybody.
I am Sir Lancelot of Camelot.
Nice to meet you.
Would you please give me all your money or else you will feel my fists of death."
After some more thinking I found a monk/assasin to be really powerful.
-You can harm undead with heal spells and heal them with inflict spells.
The highes damage I have seen in the oc of nwn2 was my cleric casting mass heal on a large group of undead.
The best thing is: she did this by herself. I did not give her any commands.
here comes the question:
In some final fantasy games (I will now refer to ff6) this is also the case.
And there are some other things. In ff6 you can:
- instantly kill any undead by using a revieve spell/item
-fully heal an undead by using an successful instant death ability
-I confused an undead and he used a drain life skill on his undead fellow.
This way, the caster killed himself by healing his friend with his remaining hp.
Does this also work in DnD and especially nwn1 and 2?
-A cleric with the evil domain can use turn undead on outsides.
Question 1: Outsiders are all creatures that are not from the same plane as the caster, right?
Does it mean it works not only against demons and devils, but also against elementals and gith?
Question 2. (this is a hypothetical one)
Asuming one of the gith you fight in the game is an evil cleric.
Could he use his turn undead ability against all "normal" people and animals?
The gith are not from the material plane after all.
Here are my newest questions:
-You can do sneak attacs with every weapon and even unarmed, right?
I had the insane idea (from a role playing point of view) to have a monk/paladin/rogue
Imagine the following situation:
A naked man jumps from behind a bush and says:
"Hello everybody.
I am Sir Lancelot of Camelot.
Nice to meet you.
Would you please give me all your money or else you will feel my fists of death."
After some more thinking I found a monk/assasin to be really powerful.
-You can harm undead with heal spells and heal them with inflict spells.
The highes damage I have seen in the oc of nwn2 was my cleric casting mass heal on a large group of undead.
The best thing is: she did this by herself. I did not give her any commands.
here comes the question:
In some final fantasy games (I will now refer to ff6) this is also the case.
And there are some other things. In ff6 you can:
- instantly kill any undead by using a revieve spell/item
-fully heal an undead by using an successful instant death ability
-I confused an undead and he used a drain life skill on his undead fellow.
This way, the caster killed himself by healing his friend with his remaining hp.
Does this also work in DnD and especially nwn1 and 2?
-A cleric with the evil domain can use turn undead on outsides.
Question 1: Outsiders are all creatures that are not from the same plane as the caster, right?
Does it mean it works not only against demons and devils, but also against elementals and gith?
Question 2. (this is a hypothetical one)
Asuming one of the gith you fight in the game is an evil cleric.
Could he use his turn undead ability against all "normal" people and animals?
The gith are not from the material plane after all.

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From Germany
Posted March 07, 2013
Almost forgot something.
At the very beginning of MotB you get an npc whose familar can open locks and disarm traps.
Can a player character also have a friend with such skills?
In the oc I always had a rouge npc along. I really liked her.
But what if you don´t and you don´t want to be a rouge yourself?
At the very beginning of MotB you get an npc whose familar can open locks and disarm traps.
Can a player character also have a friend with such skills?
In the oc I always had a rouge npc along. I really liked her.
But what if you don´t and you don´t want to be a rouge yourself?

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From Canada
Posted March 07, 2013
In the oc I always had a rouge npc along. I really liked her.
But what if you don´t and you don´t want to be a rouge yourself?
Well, you can always just keep Safiya and her familiar in your party. There's also one Rogue NPC party member, but depending on your choices it may not be possible to recruit him. But what if you don´t and you don´t want to be a rouge yourself?
Overall I wouldn't worry about it; there aren't a lot of traps in the MotB campaign

Registered: Jan 2010
From United States