Posted September 03, 2014

Almost human
Registered: Dec 2010
From United Kingdom

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted September 03, 2014
No, actually, I don't personally have the time to help everyone on this forum who has a problem with a script in a prompt manner. Hence why I'm encouraging him to use a resource where he can consistently get help from a bunch of people who are good at this stuff, not just me.
And I just said the same thing (rephrased) in my previous post which you apparently ignored.
And I just said the same thing (rephrased) in my previous post which you apparently ignored.

Almost human
Registered: Dec 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted September 03, 2014

And I just said the same thing (rephrased) in my previous post which you apparently ignored.

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted September 03, 2014

And even if you were the friendliest guy on the internet (which, incidentally, I doubt given your above responses) you don't possess the knowledge to solve this guy's problem. I (and others on the NWN boards) do -- and the price for my help is for him to join the main NWN community. Which then gets him in touch with tons of people still engaged in NWN and interested in helping him.
If it was a simple question like "How does strength affect a fighter?" I'd be happy to answer it here. But if you're going down the path of scripting and mod building then having the resources of the NWN forum is incredible -- and if he just stays here he won't be able to get the help he needs in a timely fashion (because I don't have the time to help everyone on this forum and the other main scripters don't ever come here).

Almost human
Registered: Dec 2010
From United Kingdom

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted September 04, 2014

Old Guy
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted September 05, 2014
Anyway, thanks for dropping by MM. We don't get a lot of NWN elites on these boards. We do have a slightly higher percentage of jackasses than the bio legacy boards. Legacy boards generally have nice, tight knit communities. The GoG boards are still a part of a much bigger community and we have a lot of transients wander through. And, I guess you may have noticed, a few trolls with nothing useful to contribute (looking right at you, hickory), but they are a minority. Most of the folks here are really nice and grateful for help.
For the record, anyone serious about learning to use the toolset or creating custom content really doesn't belong on these boards. They will NOT get the support they need. Go to the Bio legacy boards.
For the record, anyone serious about learning to use the toolset or creating custom content really doesn't belong on these boards. They will NOT get the support they need. Go to the Bio legacy boards.

Monty Wafer
Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted September 05, 2014

For the record, anyone serious about learning to use the toolset or creating custom content really doesn't belong on these boards. They will NOT get the support they need. Go to the Bio legacy boards.
Use the Bioware Social Network with a forum dedicated solely for NWN 1 at: It may be a legacy someday, but not yet. The BSN community is huge, encompassing too many game sub-communities to begin listing here that has been growing steadily before GoG was even a concept.
And, yes, there are active BSN moderators who pour cold water on the trolling and flaming by simply closing the topic. So you will see only informative discussions from experienced veterans rather than dabblers.
MM can only point the way. He can't click the mouse or type for them.

Old Guy
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted September 06, 2014
Not a problem. I try to make it a point to do so since apparently a decent chunk of people on these boards are unaware of the main boards -- which also makes the community for the game seem tiny since they think it's limited to a few people here. They get the game, see the lack of discussion, and think it's dead (when it's not).
urknighterrant: For the record, anyone serious about learning to use the toolset or creating custom content really doesn't belong on these boards. They will NOT get the support they need. Go to the Bio legacy boards. Absolutely.
Chipster: Use the Bioware Social Network with a forum dedicated solely for NWN 1 at: It may be a legacy someday, but not yet. The BSN community is huge, encompassing too many game sub-communities to begin listing here that has been growing steadily before GoG was even a concept. For the record, googling "bio legacy boards" returns the current NWN forums since, as Urk said, it's technically considered a legacy game by Bioware.
It was just a misunderstanding -- he doesn't think of NWN as a legacy game (hell, none of us do, right?) so probably didn't realize how the Bioware boards were set up. I think he simply thought you hung around GOG mostly and didn't realize the NWN forums had moved. No big deal.

It was just a misunderstanding -- he doesn't think of NWN as a legacy game (hell, none of us do, right?) so probably didn't realize how the Bioware boards were set up. I think he simply thought you hung around GOG mostly and didn't realize the NWN forums had moved. No big deal.

Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted September 06, 2014

#include "x2_inc_switches"
void main()
object oSpawn;
// Get the creature who triggered this event.
object oPC = GetItemActivator();
// Abort if the PC does not have the item Flint.
if ( GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "jw_flint") == OBJECT_INVALID )
CreateItemOnObject("jw_firewood", oPC, 1);
SendMessageToPC(oPC, "You need a piece of flint to start the fire.");
// Spawn Campfire.
oSpawn = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "jw_campfire", GetLocation(oPC));

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted September 06, 2014