IwubCheeze: The OCs villians didn't even exist in Forgotten Realms canon
pi4t: Assuming you're referring to the race,
they do, albeit not looking quite the same as they're described in game.
Oops, well that explains where the confusion came from. Thanks for clearing that one up.
Darvin: Incidentally the Valsharess is a ludicrously easy boss. She begins with a boatload of magical buffs on, but if you can dispel them or find a way to circumvent them she drops like a mook. She's significantly weaker than the sub-bosses you fought to get this far - Sabal, the Maker, the Dracolich, the Eye Tyrant... all of them put the Valsharess to shame.
She had buffs? Lol, I never actually noticed. When it came to fight her, I used a chargeof divine might and charged her. Whacked her a few times, her health went to badly wounded, she teleports away, fires off a healing spell, I close in and wham, no more Valsharess. I never took note of any enemies using any buffs getting used because my 4 ftr / 6 COT / X pally was steamrolling everything, even from the beginning of HOTU.
Darvin: There's actually a humorous conversation path you can follow at the end of chapter 2. If you betray the Seer, you can warn the Valsharess that Mephistopheles is going to betray her. She doesn't believe you, then moments later Mephistopheles betrays her, and her response is to... attack you for trying to warn her about it? The writers didn't even bother to come up with an excuse for that one.
Why doesn't that surprise me? From the cut scenes, Valsharess killed subordinates or at the least, threatened to kill them anytime she felt like throwing a temper tantrum. Once again, Bioware stands firm that evil = stupid so maybe they thought any idiocy evil characters commit doesn't need good writing because "that's what evil is". Definately hoping to play some user made modules that get away from that crap. Jason_the_Iguana shares my feelings on the occial campaigns, just hoping I share them with user made content. He mentioned quite a few promising modules in his post but, maaaaaan, where does one start?
Darvin: I quite liked the minor villains in chapter 1 and 2 of SoU. Tymofarrar the White Dragon and Kel-Garas the Mummy were quite well-done.
I liked Tymofarrar too, I never fought him though cos I thought he was kinda spiffy. Kel-Garas certainly wasn't bad either, I did like that dungeon though even though I was on the verge of raging trying to get the Holy Avenger. That guy was tough.