Posted August 30, 2017
Good luck hitting anything half serious with his ab. Thats problem of all companions - too damn low ab, making them useleff against tougher to boss monsters
Valkinaz: With 30/adamantine DR spells, with high damage spells like Fire Storm(a par with sorc spells), healing spells and a D8 hit DICE. Of course, his DC isn't good as fighters but compared with wiz/sorcs... Fire storm not only subject to reflex save which is nullified if enemy has evasion - its actually deliver two strikes - one divine, one fire, so its subjected to DR twice. Yeah, not very useful And fighters don't have DC. They has AB. Or to be correct - high BAB
darthvictorbr: OK. I agree that shifting is a bad choice, i only used because i some times i need to talk to a boss before start to fight and retreat as a sorc is insanity but i never played with a high level druid, except the one in my party and this one in my party fells very good to DPS, to heal and etc. Or you can just cast stone skin\premonition and run away, Or get halfdecent AC with ICE
darthvictorbr: You don't need to "nerf" the game to create a party tactical game. To be honest i have used a mercenary, a familiar and a summon to deal with Klauth's and to distract Morag while i kill his priests. A)You can control mercenary neither in build, nor in fight.
b)Both summons and familiar are really damn primitive in term of abilities whic are almost all passive
Which makes them pretty much unusable as anything then meatshield. Hell, no rogue companion ever even take knockdown. Nor does barbarian on nwn oc take cleave. Nor does divine casters are clever enough not to cast harm on undead
In nwn2 you can have DM paladin, bardic awesomeness, real controllable healer-buffer, and a mage in one party. Each one of whom you can control, making sure that they wont cast heal after you pretty much scratch you leg, won't dill their spellbook with useless stuff and wont waster three rounds to setup aganst three rats. Which insanely boost full party capability, since classes now able to actually play against each other. So classes had to be rebalanced with this though in mind.
b)Both summons and familiar are really damn primitive in term of abilities whic are almost all passive
Which makes them pretty much unusable as anything then meatshield. Hell, no rogue companion ever even take knockdown. Nor does barbarian on nwn oc take cleave. Nor does divine casters are clever enough not to cast harm on undead
In nwn2 you can have DM paladin, bardic awesomeness, real controllable healer-buffer, and a mage in one party. Each one of whom you can control, making sure that they wont cast heal after you pretty much scratch you leg, won't dill their spellbook with useless stuff and wont waster three rounds to setup aganst three rats. Which insanely boost full party capability, since classes now able to actually play against each other. So classes had to be rebalanced with this though in mind.