dogeddie: concentration and diplomacy are the two main skills I am raising as a paladin
Coelocanth: IMO, Concentration is pretty much useless for a Paladin. For casting classes, it's a good choice, but I don't recall the Taunt skill being used by any enemies in the NWN2 games, so it's a waste for a Paladin (you're not going to be casting spells in combat much, if at all). You'd probably get better use out of Heal or Lore. for class skills. There are a number of other choices if you're willing to cross-class.
Taunt is used fairly often by monsters in the OC at least.
ussnorway: Appraise is always useful in the campaigns but how you get it depends on playstyle.
As a cross-class skill you could take the Able learner feat and then spend 10 skill points to get 10 ranks… baring that take a single level of Rogue or Bard (
alignment shift required) to unlock it with the extra ability to disable traps or open up Red Dragon Disciple respectively… if going multiclass with Rogue or Bard doesn't work for you then prestige classes like Divine Champion (
for extra feats) or Harper Agent (
good skills without losing too many spells) could be worth considering.
Mild Spoilers. Appraise only works on the main character so having your cute Tiefling take points in it is worthless.
Craft skills have some plot uses in the oc but other npc characters can easily cover the skills needed to make weapons | armour as well as enchanting them… tip, take a single point in craft armour | weapon to unlock the skills then have the Bard buff you up.
Use magic item will allow your pally to equip special armour such as those boots which supposedly only Monks can have.
Bluff and Intimidate both have plot uses in the campaigns that diplomacy can't help you solve.
Parry has a bad rep on the forums but can have its uses especially when using a two-handed weapon.
Tumble has lots of bonus items and can be very nice on characters that like to run around a lot during melee combat… kiting a dragon while your party stings it with spells and arrows springs to mind.
Remember to breathe… if this is your first go on the merry-go-round then just enjoy the ride…
no skill is required to WIN the game.
Actually each character gets to make a separate appraise check, so feel free to pump it on Neeshka.