Posted August 11, 2016

Almost human
Registered: Dec 2010
From United Kingdom

New User
Registered: Mar 2015
From United States
Posted August 11, 2016
Ya no thanks bro.
Want to keep spamming this thread for game you don't play which you came here just to protect your bro love?
You are wrong and dumb as usual bro.
Learn all about this trash and his buddy
Who is Pstemarie the guy calling Hickory a garbage dump?
You might have heard of Project Q
Hickory in his infinite wisdom wanted to troll a major contributor to nwn.
At least now that my down votes are ticking we know what trash has socks here right hickory?
His sweetie above has played nwn for less than a year..
Played the MMO version before...
Want to keep spamming this thread for game you don't play which you came here just to protect your bro love?
You are wrong and dumb as usual bro.
Learn all about this trash and his buddy
Who is Pstemarie the guy calling Hickory a garbage dump?
You might have heard of Project Q
Hickory in his infinite wisdom wanted to troll a major contributor to nwn.
At least now that my down votes are ticking we know what trash has socks here right hickory?
His sweetie above has played nwn for less than a year..
Played the MMO version before...
Post edited August 11, 2016 by Regals

Registered: Oct 2013
From Turkey
Posted August 12, 2016
When fanatics defend a product so wildly, it always starts to ring warning bells in my brain.
For every hour i play a game, i spend 10 hours reading about it. And I just shared what i read and heard from other Server DMs. It can be wrong, can be right.
Taro fixed his mistake. You can do so too.
For every hour i play a game, i spend 10 hours reading about it. And I just shared what i read and heard from other Server DMs. It can be wrong, can be right.
Taro fixed his mistake. You can do so too.

Neverwinter fan
Registered: Dec 2012
From Poland
Posted August 12, 2016

For every hour i play a game, i spend 10 hours reading about it. And I just shared what i read and heard from other Server DMs. It can be wrong, can be right.
Taro fixed his mistake. You can do so too.

New User
Registered: Mar 2015
From United States
Posted August 12, 2016
Still problems with death slaads bro?
You are trash... sitting here harassing people that are trying to help others not toss their tiny egos around like you and your special friend. You could always crawl back to nwn mmo you started off playing in 2014... before you moved here.
I have played this game longer than you have been alive.
Reason I bought on gog ... is cause lost my physical copies of the game... (COPIES)
You are trash... sitting here harassing people that are trying to help others not toss their tiny egos around like you and your special friend. You could always crawl back to nwn mmo you started off playing in 2014... before you moved here.
I have played this game longer than you have been alive.
Reason I bought on gog ... is cause lost my physical copies of the game... (COPIES)
Post edited August 12, 2016 by Regals

Fighter / Rogue
Registered: Jun 2013
From Canada
Posted August 12, 2016

One side note. There are online servers called Persistant Worlds where you can play user created adventures with other people. Think it as a MMO of some kind. Using 1.69 was strict requirement for those servers. Any other (below or above) and you wouldnt be able to log in. Just keep that in mind.
EDIT: Typos

Community Patch is fully compatible with 1.69. This means that players who have it can log-in to servers without it with no problems whatsoever and the game will treat their game copy as having version 1.69.
What's more, there is no way for servers to determine if the client has Community Patch installed, so I'm positive that there is no server in existence you can't log into just because you have Community Patch.
And I'd like to also say a word about exactly how necessary Community Patch is. PeterScott said it's "completely unnecessary", but I don't think that's how we should judge whether it should be installed or not. When you think of it this way, then technically even expansion packs are unnecessary, because the game CAN be enjoyed without them.
Community Patch fixes a whole lot of spells, feats and bugs. Trident Weapon Focus feat? Forget about it working without Community Patch. Circle Kick feat? Has a nasty bug which prevents it from being useful... unless you have Community Patch. Animal companions and familiars being bugged at certain levels? Not anymore with Community Patch. There are, of course, many, many other fixes.
It's not about necessity. It's about adding to gaming experience.
Really you don't need it, and just about anywhere you post questions asking about the game, just about everyone will be running the official game warts and all.

Neverwinter fan
Registered: Dec 2012
From Poland
Posted August 12, 2016

Really you don't need it, and just about anywhere you post questions asking about the game, just about everyone will be running the official game warts and all.
Seriously, THIS is your argument? Not to mention you cherrypicked one bugfix out of many, claimed you don't need it (at least I assume that's what you meant, because you simply said you rest your case), and on this basis you are trying to prove that Community Patch is not worth installing?
So, let's try it with expansion packs. Let's see... one of the features of Hordes of the Underdark is the Bluff skill.
Like, seriously? Bluff? Does anyone use it at all? I, for one, clearly have no need for it, so it should be pretty clear the expansion is not worth installing.
Post edited August 12, 2016 by Taro94

Fighter / Rogue
Registered: Jun 2013
From Canada
Posted August 12, 2016

Really you don't need it, and just about anywhere you post questions asking about the game, just about everyone will be running the official game warts and all.

Seriously, THIS is your argument? Not to mention you cherrypicked one bugfix out of many, claimed you don't need it (at least I assume that's what you meant, because you simply said you rest your case), and on this basis you are trying to prove that Community Patch is not worth installing?
So, let's try it with expansion packs. Let's see... one of the features of Hordes of the Underdark is the Bluff skill.
Like, seriously? Bluff? Does anyone use it at all? I, for one, clearly have no need for it, so it should be pretty clear the expansion is not worth installing.
Tell me top ten must have fixes for this community patch? If you are bringing up "trident weapon focus" as a reason to patch them game, then one can only assume the other fixes are of the same level of importance. This was after all. Your example.
I have scanned the list and it really looks like inconsequential tweaks that really won't affect anyone's game. Things like this creature doesn't have some kind of resistance/immunity that it should(Per DnD 3.0 reference), or making spells more like official DnD reference materials.
It's more nerd accountant type fixes than anything that will make a real difference. It's a game, not DnD reference material, it doesn't matter if those details differ from your monster manual and DMs guide.
I would definitely NOT recommend new players apply community patches where they will be in the minority running them. There is simply no need and if you see something odd, it is better to be running the standard game like most people are when you have questions.
After you have played the game a lot and are comfortable and want to experiment, sure. But start with the very solid, official patched game.
Post edited August 12, 2016 by PeterScott

New User
Registered: Mar 2015
From United States

Neverwinter fan
Registered: Dec 2012
From Poland
Posted August 12, 2016

Tell me top ten must have fixes for this community patch? If you are bringing up "trident weapon focus" as a reason to patch them game, then one can only assume the other fixes are of the same level of importance. This was after all. Your example.
I have scanned the list and it really looks like inconsequential tweaks that really won't affect anyone's game. Things like this creature doesn't have some kind of resistance/immunity that it should(Per DnD 3.0 reference), or making spells more like official DnD reference materials.
It's more nerd accountant type fixes than anything that will make a real difference. It's a game, not DnD reference material, it doesn't matter if those details differ from your monster manual and DMs guide.
I would definitely NOT recommend new players apply community patches where they will be in the minority running them. There is simply no need and if you see something odd, it is better to be running the standard game like most people are when you have questions.
After you have played the game a lot and are comfortable and want to experiment, sure. But start with the very solid, official patched game.

Among hundreds of fixes in Community Patch you can find spell/feat/class description errors. And spells working differently than what their descriptions say is EXACTLY what new players should avoid not to get confused.
Also, I have yet to hear of an issue caused by Community Patch, unless you're using a beta version of the newest release. Stable versions fix bugs, not cause them. You're pulling out a hypothetical situation which has no basis in reality and using it as an argument.
Final thought - I don't know how you feel about this, but I prefer fewer bugs. And Community Patch gets rid of a whole bunch of them - even if they're small (and not all of them are, not functional feat is a BIG bug, no matter whether you think new players shouldn't care about tridents or not). And I also like descriptions that match what actually happens in-game, which new players will appreciate even more.
End of story.
Post edited August 12, 2016 by Taro94

Fighter / Rogue
Registered: Jun 2013
From Canada
Posted August 12, 2016

Also you are naive in the extreme to think you can make a whole host of changes and not introduce new bugs/incompatibilities.
Just because you haven't heard about them, doesn't mean the don't exist. NWN has a lot fewer players today, and only minority of them are running it.

Almost human
Registered: Dec 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted August 12, 2016
I agree with PeterScott: so-called 'community patches' that don't restrict themselves to bug fixes only are interpretative add-ons, and should not be used lightly, and (in most cases) not by new users, who should have the opportunity to experience the game as the developers intended. Subsequent play-throughs... fine. Such 'patches' should never, ever be advertised as 'essential'. They are not.

Neverwinter fan
Registered: Dec 2012
From Poland

New User
Registered: Mar 2015
From United States
Posted August 12, 2016
Hickory you should seriously just go uninstall this game and never look back
You are well known for being stain on anything nwn.
When every single MAJOR contributor to nwn community has called you out and called you biggest moron ever...Think it is time for you to throw in the towel.
You are well known for being stain on anything nwn.
When every single MAJOR contributor to nwn community has called you out and called you biggest moron ever...Think it is time for you to throw in the towel.
Post edited August 12, 2016 by Regals

Almost human
Registered: Dec 2010
From United Kingdom