passionata: One thing I never saw in a custom module and which I would love to see ingame:
Punish those who were given powers from a god or goddess if they act against the dogma of their deity!
(But do offer a path for redemption)
Druids/Rangers who slaughter animals for xp gain -> Let them loose their spells
Druids which equip "not allowed" weaponry -> Let them loose their spells
Paladins who act cruel, against their deity's dogma -> Let them loose spells and spell like abilities (devine might etc.)
Clerics which act against their deity's dogma -> Let them loose their spells
These losses must be permanent, unless the PC in question solves a path of redemption questline!
Chars who fell from grace should also not be possible to level the class until they atoned, forcing them into multiclassing...
:3 you've never met me as a DM over the years then, its in the dnd books that the gods WILL punish you if you go against them, i'm also one of those DMs that WILL shift your alignment if you do good or bad deeds. so yes I whole hartedly agree with your idea and I will be adding it to any mods I make otherwise where is the fun? no risk = less fun. ;)
Engerek01: Actually there was a mod that i played with a few people from GOG that something like that. I was a druid and it didnt let me cast spells while wearing a medium armor. I was so pissed.
I do think its only fair to let players know about such things and if I add such things to mods I do tend to put it in the disc' of the mod so people know there is a risk of godly punishment and alingment shifts