I did go back and pick up the Alchemist's Fire from earlier and it did work, but I think I'm going to restart anyway. I was only two hours in the game, and now I can make sure I snag a two handed weapon proficiency from the get-go. Probably going to to with scythes for the sheer awesome looking-ness (I'm nothing if not a visual person), the x4 thing looks nice and the fact that I always need to throw a wrench in my otherwise perfect builds somewhere. :)
If you go for the weapon master later on as your third class, his special class bonus will turn the scythe into a
x5 critical multiplier. Of course, he requires a lot of feats as prerequisites (weapon focus, dodge, mobility, spring attack, expertise, and whirlwind attack) but he's an awesome payoff once you reach him.
EDIT: Basically I figure that if I ran into a problem now, I'll probably run into more later on (and there's a LOT of game left to get through), combined with the fact that I was already thinking of hacking my game to swap out feats anyway.
Sometimes it's a good idea to plan ahead. Here are a couple possible builds (up to the 25th level) that come to mind:
Elf Bard/Dragon Disciple/Champion of Torm 16 str, 16 dex, 12 con, 10 int, 8 wis, 14 cha
level 1 - Bard - weapon proficiency (scythe)
level 2 - Bard
level 3 - Bard - weapon focus (scythe)
level 4 - Bard
level 5 - Bard
level 6 - DD - power attack
level 7 - DD
level 8 - DD
level 9 - DD - cleave
level 10 - DD
level 11 - DD
level 12 - DD - improved critical (scythe)
level 13 - DD
level 14 - DD
level 15 - DD - great cleave
level 16 - CoT
level 17 - CoT - dodge
level 18 - CoT - toughness
level 19 - CoT - improved power attack
level 20 - CoT
level 21 - DD - overwhelming critical (scythe)
level 22 - DD
level 23 - DD - devastating critical (scythe)
level 24 - DD - epic weapon focus (scythe)
level 25 - DD
Half-Orc Bard/Barbarian/Dragon Disciple 18 str, 12 dex, 14 con, 10 int, 8 wis, 12 cha
level 1 - Bard - weapon proficiency (scythe)
level 2 - Bard
level 3 - Bard - power attack
level 4 - Bard
level 5 - Barbarian
level 6 - DD - cleave
level 7 - DD
level 8 - DD
level 9 - DD - weapon focus (scythe)
level 10 - DD
level 11 - DD
level 12 - DD - improved critical (scythe)
level 13 - DD
level 14 - DD
level 15 - DD - great cleave
level 16 - Barbarian
level 17 - Barbarian
level 18 - Barbarian - improved power attack
level 19 - Barbarian
level 20 - Barbarian
level 21 - DD - overwhelming critical (scythe)
level 22 - DD
level 23 - DD - devastating critical (scythe)
level 24 - DD - epic weapon focus (scythe)
level 25 - DD
Human Bard/Dragon Disciple/Weapon Master with 16 str, 14 dex, 12 con, 14 int, 8 wis, 12 cha
(updated with a nice suggestion from Coelocanth)
level 1 - bard - weapon proficiency (scythe), dodge
level 2 - bard
level 3 - bard - weapon focus (scythe)
level 4 - bard
level 5 - bard
level 6 - DD - mobility
level 7 - DD
level 8 - DD
level 9 - DD - spring attack
level 10 - DD
level 11 - DD
level 12 - DD - expertise
level 13 - DD
level 14 - Bard
level 15 - Bard - whirlwind attack
level 16 - WM
level 17 - WM
level 18 - WM - Improved Critical (scythe)
level 19 - WM
level 20 - WM
level 21 - WM - Power Attack
level 22 - WM
level 23 - DD
level 24 - DD - Cleave
level 25 - DD
Another way to go is potentially 20/21 lvls of Sorc with 10 lvls of Dragon Disciple and the rest as Paladin
You will
not reach the level 40 cap playing through SoU/HotU. More likely you'll finish around level 25 or so, and you want your character to really shine by level 10 so you get to feel powerful for most of your playthrough. Paladin/Sorcerer/DD is a good build, but given the level range he'll be playing he has to choose whether he's a spellcaster or a warrior; he will not have the capacity to be both (not with any effectiveness, at any rate).
If you want to play a spellcaster Sorcerer, then the limits of your multi-classing should be either one level in barbarian or two in Paladin. After that, don't touch any other class until you've got your 20 levels in Sorcerer (at which point, either continue with sorcerer for epic feats or multi-class). If you're going to be a warrior, then put one level in Sorcerer and focus on your other classes until reach the epic levels, then revisit sorcerer at that time.